Stepper driver warning: OTPW flag set

Hi All, I have been getting this warning for stepper_z1 and stepper_z2 pop up anytime I activate my Z-motors. "Stepper driver warning: OTPW flag set The stepper driver 'stepper_z1' has triggered the OTPW flag and may stop working if it gets any hotter. This is an indication of an over temperature condition. This can be caused by a too high current. Please check the stepper driver settings and cooling." I am still in the commissioning stage of the build, so haven't printed anything yet, but am concerned for when I do start printing. When I first installed RatOS 2.0.1 I did not get this error. I have since updated to RatOS v2.1.0, and have everything up to date. I thought it might be because originally I had to remove the electronics enclosure panel so I could hook my pi into ethernet, and thus reduced the cooling of the stepper drivers, but have since routed the ethernet cable inside the printer and still getting the errors with the panel on. Any thoughts on how to fix? I don't know how to change the current of the steppers.
5 Replies
TachyonOP2mo ago
Looking in my klippy.log, I have found this line; TMC 'stepper_z1' reports DRV_STATUS: 801c0101 otpw=1(OvertempWarning!) t120=1 cs_actual=28 stst=1 Not sure how to interpret it though. Following the klipper documentation, should the stealthchop_threshold on my Z motors (0, 1 & 2) be 0 or 999999? I don't want to just change things I don't fully understand, but I'm not sure why I'm not getting these errors on Z0 or any other motor when the thresholds are all 0, but klipper docs says 999999.
iMars5w ago
Got the same on my printer: TMC 'dual_carriage' reports error: DRV_STATUS: 801c0103 otpw=1(OvertempWarning!) ot=1(OvertempError!) t120=1 cs_actual=28 stst=1
TachyonOP4w ago
Still getting this issue, any thoughts would be great.
MDFPereira4w ago
Cooling for the drivers. That is a temp error.
I agree with @MDFPereira that is def a cooling issue. Ask me how I know. I burned up 2 stepper drivers on a Duet3 Mini5+ with approx 15 of test printing due to inadequate cooling. 2 main things to help prevent this: 1. Make SURE you have adequate airflow behind the controller board and I don't mean 1/4" of an inch...that ain't enough. You will want at least1/2 -3/4 of an inch by using riser standoffs. 2. Make SURE you add a good cooling fan blowing directly on the board and esp the drivers. One mistake I have also seen is people mounted the board in a restrictive enclosure or space, OR mounting the board vertically all the stepper drivers are lined up in a row...vertically. Since heat rises, this means the last stepper driver heatsink at the TOP of the vertical stack will be hotter, as it is getting dissipated heat from all the other stepper below it. Some things to consider. Good luck!

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