Second Hand 3.1 with 0.8mm Nozzle not printing
Hello everyone its me again! I hope this saga has almost come to an end! So after finding out that the printer does not have its standard 0.4mm nozzle but a 0.8mm nozzle instead. The test extrude function works fine but when it comes to printing the gcode the filament just balls up next to the nozzle.

130 Replies
generous-apricot•2y ago
What do you mean with "when it comes to printing the gcode the filament just balls up next to the nozzle"? Please post photos. If "Primeblob" is activated the printer primes the nozzle before the print starts by extruding a blob in the corner of the bed.
I’m not referring to the prime blob. I’m referring to after when the tool head returns home to start the print and begins the first layer. I will record a video later today.
I calibrated Z offset using the paper method shown in the commissioning guide, but 0.8 mm This offset is too small?
generous-apricot•2y ago
Did you set your slicer also to 0.8 Nozzle? What is your first layerheight?
0.8 offset is too much. when your fist layer is set to e.g. 0.6mm i would try a 0.3mm offset.
When using a 0.4 Nozzle with a lyerheight of 0.2, normally you set your offset to 0.1
Whops autocorrect changed what I wrote, meant to say using the paper to calibrate the offset maybe too small for 0.8
In prusa there doesn’t appear to be a preset for 0.8 so I tried to make my own
generous-apricot•2y ago
could be possible. I never used a 0.8 nozzle. Try a bigger offset if you have set it now to 0.1
(with paper)
Will try. I also think maybe my custom-made profile is wrong
generous-apricot•2y ago
for me a offset of half of the leyerheight works great normally
why do you have a custom made profile ? you can start off with the generic <filament type> presets
and just change the nozzle diameter to match in the printer settings under extruder

This is what I did initially. But it did not work. That let me down the custom profile rabbit hole.
oh no
after cleaning it up does it continue to do that?
i'm not familiar with that hotend
Indeed :(( it only does it while printing. When it is idle and I click extrude it appears to come out fine
It’s a mosquito magnum
does anything stick to the print surface?
i feel like i see that happen when too much filament comes out and it doesn't stick to where it should so it goes up on itself. idon't often see something print nicely but then still have that happen
The print blob sticks
Does the test blob adhere to the Z offset? This is my main assumption as it appears to be an issue once it starts printing the G code.
prime blob?
think so
As that does appear to stick
is the main print area clean ?
I cleaned it with alcohol a few days ago
so it is not sticking when you print it there?
To me, it appears that the nozzle is too close to the print bed. However, I keep calibrating the z offset via the paper method demonstrated in the commissioning guide
I have asked the previous owner if he has the original 0.4 mm nozzle. He is unsure at this time. I do not believe the currently installed nozzle to be at the highest quality
have you tried the first layer test ? i'm assuming you did this when you mention paper test
right beneath it is a first layer test. it prints a big rectangle and you can live adjust the zoffset
Oh! That was the STL I was printing 😂. For some reason I thought that menu did not work during a print
I will try this tomorrow as I live in a solar house and I do not have much electric right now to use the printer 😅

Did this all myself lol
well, it's either not extruding properly, or, it's extruding fine and it's not adhering to your build plate
because you see all that excess buildup on your nozzle, it probably is extruding properly. what do you think?
what type of filament are you testing wtih, pla?
When it does the prime blob it does it with no problem
As soon as it homes after the blob to do the gcode it does this
Maybe I need to up the feed rate? Like I’m my original picture it only says 24mm^3 maybe that’s too low for 0.8?
when i did my first test print i chose PLA with stock generic prusa slicer settings and it seemed to work fine.
my recommendation is go back to the generic filament setting. apply some gluestick to your build plate if you haven't already where you'll be printing, and see if it will adhere
I was using the genetic pla profile in prusa, and the prime, blob adheres of that means anything
Do you also have a orbiter? And if so what is your mm^3
I have had one print that completed the first layer
But the 2nd layer died

I set the bed temp to 60, maybe it’s too low for a 500mm bed
Well you said you cleaned your print bed with alcohol and I’ve read things where that may affect adhesion
So I think it’s best to isolate variables and figure out is it an extrusion problem or is it an adhesion problem
I have orbiter 2.0
I didn’t change any flow settings it’s whatever it defaults to
The reason why I ask is I don’t know if the previous owner had changed the extrusion variables
Maybe increasing the bed, temperature will help
Don’t really have any glue here 😓
I just don’t understand why the prime blob adheres fine
It’s a down and up motion. No lateral movement
Ok 👍👍
I live in the mountains so its a 50km drive to the store, going to buy some glue today haha
if you could tell me what you have your orbiters default settings at that would be a great hand
Also the rear of my machine has somthing called the "smart fillimant sensor" however i see it tries to put commands into the console but the commands it enters are not recognised by ratos
Which settings ?
Or I should say this value

Regardless I have a 0.4mm nozzle arriving tomorrow and I got the glue stick :)
I think tomorrow if all fails I will also reinstall ratos
As I have no idea what configuration changes this guy has made. At least if I reinstall it, I can follow the guide
isn't that a dynamic value?
No matter what I change in the cfg the mm^3 stays the same
I read somewhere that someone had a much higher mm^3 then what I have displayed here

not actualyl sure what this is
my nozzle size is 0.4
in my slicer
it's a config item
It’s the volume of filament in mm cubed
It actually appears you have a config error here
Your nozzle diameter is set to 0.6
i don't know if it has any actual effect, i thought this is controlled via slicer
well i changed it to 0.4. my prints with this at 0.6 were fine
my slicer is 0.4
I saw on an online post that it doesn’t really matter but helps with pressure advance or something?
Because that’s where it is in the config file
try using a thin layer of gluestick wher you are printing, see if that helps
also try going through the zoffset calibration again
you are making sure to save it right?
Tomorrow I get a new nozzle, 0.4 instead of 0.8. I think this will also help. Got the glue stick today also. It’s a bit cloudy today so I don’t have much electric to test it out. 😂
you need to get one of those cycling generators
Lol just got my generator back today but the carburettor is fucked
@antmit so far, massive improvement with the new nozzle. It’s actually gets the first layer down. I just need to re-calibrate my Z offset.
Ok it failed but it got a lot further with the new nozzle
I am using the glue now and it’s going well
I do still believe it is under extruding though
I have the speed set to 150mm/s
In the machine configuration tab
I’m trying to think back to when I was having first layer issues
Z offset was my biggest problem where I kept everything else stock
But that’s because my tool head has been modified
It was slipping

But it’s good you get it to stick now
So far so good with the z cube. But when doing the fitst layer stl it was going horribly
how fast do you have your printer running?
1000 travel like 500 infill
20k accel

This was my first layer stl
wow nice
pla or petg?
I just got some today. Still trying to get the printer working with pla before switching to petg
It’s not printing great yet. Having some fan issue
But it’s acceptable
but look at this. Horrible I raised the z off set but then the print lines were not sticking and were balling up under the print head
I wonder why my pei sheet is so bad
maybe someone spilt some chemicals on it or something
when i cleaned it i just used a cleaning whipe
Sometimes when you use alcohol to clean it just smears stuff around
one of them low alchohol baby wipe type of things
yeah it was jus a cleaning wipe really
That’s why I suggested glue stick at the beginning because it provides a layer on top of whatever is on the sheet
And eliminates a variable
ah fuck, I see the corner lifting up now

hard to see on camera
What kind of probe is on your machine?
Have you reset it especially with new nozzle?
just did probe calibrate
But what about the vertical position
the z offset type of thing?
There’s a set screw to hold it in place
But it’s supposed to be a certain height relative to the nozzle

ah the cube just pinged off my buildplate lol
as i was typing the message
my part cooling fan appears to be at max also

Too much cooling?
where can i find the correct documentation to calibrate this?
you think?
I’m trying to find it too but not sure where I saw it
you can see the bottom layer is warped
Basically put the nozzle to the bed
Loosen set screw
Use zip tie (1mm) under the probe
Then tighten
ok will do thanks ant you have been so helpful
dont know where i would be without you lol
sorry for all the bother
Don’t thank me yet you’re still not up and running yet lol
but still you have been ever so patient lol
whats your first layer speed?
i have mine pretty low

It’s set to 40mms
When im watching the nozzle thee doesnt appear to be alot of fillimatn extruding
There is also this thing

i think that's mostly a pass through, it's only supposed to do something when it no longer detects filament
Just watching the nozzle it looks like bearly any fillimant is coming through
what hot end are you using again ?
mosquito magnum ?
I mean I could try swap fillimant to some petg but its quite humid today
when i manually extrude it works fine
what slicer are you using, prusa?
if you manually extrude and it works well
how does your prime blob look ?

looks fine like that

well the fact that your recent print popped off your print bed means still some sort of layer adhesion issue
you never got the first layer test to work perfectly?
only the cube
i would focus on getting the first layer test to work
if you can't get that to work, anything else working is by chance

I just changed my fillimant to some older pla I have
appears to be printing fine
still having some adhesion issues with the cuby. Test strip prints fine though
I am going to try deep clean this pei
i also have small pei sheet for my ender 3 might put that in the center and see if it sticks
followed a guide on bed adhesion and cleaned the sheet to death

It looks to have done ok!
Some strange thing on y
But the rest is ok!
I am so happy
Do you have any specific settings for slicer or cfg to help increase the speed? What slicer do you use?
I’m using prusaslicer
There’s a speed page with settings you can adjust
When I switched to 5160T 50v x/y drivers
I use 1000m/s travel 20k accel
Printing is like 500m/s perimeters and infill I think
But i haven’t tuned it well yet
I just know that there’s no skipping or anything at these settings
Extrusion temp and cooling is the next challenge for me to figure out
My bed velocity is 30m/s 1k accel I think
That is absolutely amazing
My bed levelling takes so long 😭
I also need to work on my belt tension next
@antmit I assume this isn’t good 😅

Oh no
Just tightened a few bolts and got this

The 25hz is almost equal
Do you think this warrants a fix my resonance thread? 😂 or is it fixable here
Make a new thread

I think it’s ok now 😌