4028 fan setup MantaM8P 1.1

Hello, I have been trying for a few hours to get my pwm fan to work. I can get it to spin at 100% power all the time, or not at all. Here is my current config for the fan which doesnt work at all. [fan] pin:PC14 #tachometer_pin:^PC14 enable_pin:!4p_fan_part_cooling_pin #tachometer_ppr: 2 #off_below: 0.0 cycle_time: 0.01 #tachometer_poll_interval: 0.0015 #shutdown_speed: 0.0 #kick_start_time: 2.0 Im trying to use the Fan4 and Fan5 headers on the board as I assume I will need one for the pwm and the other to supply power. If anyone has any idea how I need to wire this and set the config I would greatly appreciate it.
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4 Replies
Check the manual, I don't think those 4pin fan headers can handle the amp requirements of the 4028 fan that ratrig uses for cooling
Maybe, Im not sure. Its a 1 amp fan and when I do wire it up so it's always on the thing is just screaming fast I cant find anything in manual about how to wire up a pwm fan to it Its a AVC DBTB0248B2G fan
4028 fans default to 100 percent on when they can't get a proper pwm signal
can I test for a pwm signal?

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