Octopus V1.1 (F446) SuperPinda Probe Always Triggered on
currently I've build a V-Core 300 and try to set-up the the z-probe. According to the reactions of the probe (LED turns on and off, with a piece of metal near/far away) it seems to me that the wiring should be ok. When I do the endstop check nothing happens for z-endstop and probe.
I've already tried several solutions, invertred the z-pin,.. the only thing what happens is that the endstop-check shows triggered instead of open.
(Attached my printer.cfg and a picture of my wiring.)
Any help would be appreciated.
23 Replies
because you didn't follow the wiring guide
I don't have these connectors. I followed the Dozuki installation guide and did the wiring accordingly. The probe itself seems to work.
ratos assumes you are following their wiring diagrams. If you aren't you are going to have a bad time as things won't work. You have a couple options:
1) don't use ratos
2) Follow ratos wiring diagram
3) modify your printer.cfg in the USER OVERRIDES section to make the probe use the pins you have them wired to instead of the ones in the ratos wiring diagram
personally I would go with #2
That would be difficult, as I don't have these pins on the board. Dozuki installation guide is a recommendation on the Ratrig page.

The ones on the dozuki installation guide are for the Octopus V1.1
OK, then my mistake - obviously I have no pro version. I will change the title.
Nevertheless thanks for your support.
you need to also update your printer.cfg as that is using octopus pro as well
line 22 vs line 20
lol that has left me sufficiently confused about which board you have
Thanks for your support, but this means I have to flash the firmware on the board as well?
I don't think you need to flash klipper again, since it should be the same chip
Just changing the configs
ok, good.
now some other issues...
first this message
and then

but I've seen that in the RatOS installation guid - I will check there
yes you need to flash it again, as it will have the wrong MCU name. This will cause it to not connect (what you are seeing) and for auto-flashing (future klipper updates) to fail
I also noticed that.
To stupid, that I did not check the board, just thought that the board is the one which was mentioned on the Ratrig homepage. Maybe the reason was the red color of the cover for the power cables, on my other Octopus V1.1 board it was orange 😂
hm, firmware flashed and board corrected in printer.cfg. Unfortunately no change for the probe. Still LED works correct, but no function with endstop check.
are you pushing the button on the mainsail screen while the metal is under the probe?
yes, with metal and whitout metal no change.
why is yours different?
[include RatOS/z-probe/probe.cfg]
yours: [include RatOS/z-probe/superpinda.cfg]
though they are basically the same fileI will try
unfortunately no change
I would double check your wiring and connections
Looks like crimps are bad and those terminals are not locked in the housing.

Double checked the wiring and it now looks better. According to the LED the probe itself works.
Would it make sense to use the sensor pins (J40)? Or z-endstop pins?
J40 pins don't work either.
Focus on making the stock setup work, you're doing something wrong.
The board you're showing in your pictures is an Octopus v1.1
Do you still have the octopus pro uncommented in your board section of printer.cfg? If so you need to reflash your board as an Octopus V1.1 and uncomment that instead in printer.cfg
Sidenote: remove the SD card from the board, or it won't flash automatically.
According to the LED the probe itself works.The only thing you can conclude from that is that 5V and GND is connected correctly. Also this: Should be The signal pin is connected to gnd and disconnects when triggered. The
enables a pullup that makes the GPIO "HIGH" when nothing is connected, and thus you get a triggered probe in the firmware.
If it always reports triggered that means the signal wire isn't connected according to the wiring diagram (or you messed up wire extensions, crimping etc).Board was changed in printer.cfg and firmware flashed to Octopus V1.1. I will try to start from begimming this weekend. Maybe I made a mistake in the setup and triplecheck the wiring again.
Your help is much appreciated.
Update from my side. Raspi was installed new, firmware flashed again (with correct board), wiring was checked again with the same result: LED works as desired. I've seen that this just means that GND and 5V is connected correctly.
Last check was with a different probe on the BL-touch pins and the endstop-check shows the desired result. Unfortunately because of the geometry this probe cannot be installed.
So, I will order a new probe and hopefully then it works.
Thanks for your support.
If somebody is interested and maybe have the same issue: Problem solved, with new probe end-stop shows desired results with triggered and open.