DRV_STATUS: 00130050

TMC 'stepper_z1' reports error: DRV_STATUS: 00130050 s2vsa=1(ShortToSupply_A!) ola=1(OpenLoad_A!) cs_actual=19 Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the config, and restart the host software. Printer is shutdown That happened on starting homing on Z. Did the 2209 got killed?
2 Replies
ptegler2y ago
TMC chip internals see a too low of a resistance across it's outputs (current draw vs sense resistor) Use an ohm meter to check your motor windings. should be 1.5 ohms for the oem RR motors. If under...you have a partial short of a winding in that motor. Try simply reducing the running current setting and see if the system will step past t he same place that error occurred.
RigattoniOP2y ago
Thanks, ptegler! Checked the ohms on the stepper motor and could get it half way running, but with a terrible noise. Seems that the motor is dead. Already ordered a new one. What a mess...

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