problem with initial firmware install.
Hello! when I do the initial firmware install, it will say that my octopus is detected but not responding. so i choose the automatic flash over USB. It usually runs for 5 min and then gives me this error. am i doing soething wrong?

79 Replies
Looks like a bug, have you used something like WinSCP before? I need the contets of /var/log/ratos-configurator.log
Also check this:
I have not but i can take a look and send it here
i hope this is the right one. thank you for replying so quick!
It is, the issue should be fixed with this:
It seems like it couldnt find klipper

Ah this is my bad its
sudo systemctl start klipper
Okay. Entered it in and waited the 10 minutes. Now when i go trough the configuration I am welcomed with the same error: “octopus is detected but is unresponsive”. When I press flash automatically it flashes for a few minutes and then says again that the board is detected but unresponsive. It doesn’t give any error code anymore.
If it helps. I am using a rapberry pi 3 mod b
My pc is not connected to the internet while I configure the pi. I do not have wifi for the pi to connect so I skip that part of the install
I use ubuntu linux, I don’t think it should affect anythinf
Maybe something here will tell you what can be the bad actor
I think at this point i would recommend you reflash the SD card.
Something has gone wrong
Please use Balena Etcher if you didn't the first time
(it has a verification process)
Alright, will do!
So an update… i re formatted the sd card with .bin file and reburned the ratos on to a sd card. I still have the same issues, even if i manually start klipper from ssh. Tomorrow i will have access to a windows laptop, where i can try if the problem is linux related.
I tried it on windows laptop. Wiped everything clean and flashed a new ratOS on to the PI. Still get the same issues.
Is there a way to know if my octopus is faulty?
It's not your octopus.
Which RatOS image are you using?
this is the file name
i didnt use the 64bit one because i have an old pi 3b
Please try v2.0.2
there is almost no situation where the 64bit version is preferable.
alright, i just started the download, will update you when i load it up.
didnt know there was v2.0.2
i released it recently
has been in pre-release for a long time
I believe your 2.0.1 image is corrupted (can happen during download)
alright. lets hope this is the issue
i did redownload it on another device and still had the issue
It's inifinitely unlikely to corrupt in a way that results in that error twice.
Nobody else has had your particular error though, so.. something is up
yeah thats what i am wondering. before you wrote i was going to try PIdoctor to see if my pi is F-d
I can't rule it out, but it's not the first conclusion i would make from the error you're getting. It's the c compiler that's complaining about what i assume is a missing binary.
is there a possability that the binary i get from ratos confuration wizard is bad?
like the one for octopus
No it doesn't have anything to do with the octopus itself, it's a klipper compilation step that fails. A compilation step for the klippy code that runs on the pi. It never even attempts to communicate with your board.
Your octopus is in all likelyhood perfectly fine
And flashed correctly (or you wouldn't even get to that version check step)
alright, thats good to hear, lets hope that the new version helps out
Still get the same issue. Im going to try the systemctl start klipper fix
did i do anything wrong?

You should've stopped klipper first before you deleted the file (if it was running, prolly wasn't actually). I don't really get why you need to though, worked fine in my tests on a raspberry pi 3.
Strange that it cut the connection, what happened?
oh when i saw after 15 min that the flashing wouldnt work i did an shutdown from the wizard
Ah ok
It already falshed though. So after you delete the and started klipper, what did you do?
waited 10 minutes, restarted the wizard, saw it didnt change anything, tried the automatic flash, saw it didnt work, did a shutdown from wizard.
saw it didnt change anythingSo you picked the octopus, and it tried to check the version and it still said it was unresponsive?
Can you show me /var/log/ratos-configurator.log again?
I would also like to see the klipper.log (you can download that from mainsail)
in the machine tab
exact same error
curious what klipper is saying
sorry, where is the klipper.log located?
i cant find it under var/log
go to ratos.local/
go to the machine tab
use the button to download the klipper.log
Im using linux so i have acces to the image files from file explorer. I cant seem to find ratos.local/ directory
Use your browser 🙂
Instead of ratos.local/configure go to ratos.local
It's located in ~/printer_data/logs/klipper.log
oh sorry, i thougt it was on the image itself
give me a sec

I have access to the setup wizard, but this doesn’t connect
I did and i gave me the result
Oh you're still connected to the hotspot?
That would just be in that case

Apparently klipper is fine...
there is no klipper.log
This is fine, all of those are invalid because the pi is not connected to the internet.
You just sent it to me?
If you mean the button for downloading, just scroll down.
Anyway. I recommend you just ignore the configurator and proceed with the configuration for now
I think everything is fine, despite the error during version checking (that i can't reproduce 🤔 )
alright so i will not do the setup wizar?
Works fine here

You basically already did, that last step is just sanity checking (which for some reason isn't working).
hahaha alright, mine was antisanity. all jokes aside i can now use the board?
yeah lol. Yeah i think you should be fine. Klipper is running, the board is connecting on USB. Should be fine.
I would really want to know what the hell is going on. But that's gonna be difficult without being able to reproduce the issue. So weird.
is there anything i can do to help you with that(the least i could do)
i will happily provide all the files and whatnot from my image
We kind of already exhausted all the options. If i think of anything else i'll let you know, thanks!
yeah no problem. also i cannot thank you enough for the support and time you put into my issue
one thing that might glitch out the wizard maybe is that i skip wifi setup everytime. i do not have working wifi and i cannot connect the ratos to my mobile hotspot
Should be fine too, i tried that as well
You can run ethernet to it if you've got that
it doesnt connect over ethernet
How did you determine that it doesn't connect? Did you check your router for connected devices?
I plugged a LAN cable from pi to my PC
PC said it can detect a connection but cannot initiate from it
Soo I couldn’t make a connection to it from LAN cable
This won't work
You need to connect the pi to your router.
or your need to set up your pc as a DCHP server
Otherwise the pi won't know how to configure it's ethernet interface
Well, thats at least relief. I not very smart at networking. I already thought i have a dead ethernet port
@jannu198 when you have time, can you show me the output of:
I can't reproduce the issue on any of my pi's and it's driving me positively insane 

I don seem to have cc*
Only cc1 and cc1plus
is a wild card
I just need to see the outputOh, i didn’t ssh i opened up the pi boot drive from file manager
Is that a problem?
yeah i need to see the output from ls -la
Alright, in that case i need a minute
no worries
Actually this would be even better
find /usr/ -name "*cc1*" -exec ls -lah {} \;

dangit everything looks correct
Hahaha i feel like my insanity connected to this is nothing compared to what you are going through here
Yeah i'm having a rough time lol
If only i could reproduce it
I tell you what… my ISP installed a wifi router today, i will test if the installer gets bugged out because I didn’t have wifi
appreciate it 🙂
No problem
I had that problem too. In my case i compiled and downloaded the firmware from the web configurator and flashed the board manually. After that my board worked fine and i could re-flash again from the configurator. I think i had an old klipper firmware. After i flashed manually with the new firmware my problem was gone. My board was again responsive. I didnt had the patience to scroll up and read all the messages, you probable already did that, but that was how i solved my not responsive board.
Alright, we got a hit. I repeat, we got it boys. The problem was wifi
Now that i have a connection, everything works fine
Just so you can reproduce it. Every time it bugs out i do the following.
Turn on the pi
Connect to hotspot
Connect to ratos.local/configure
Press skip the wifi step
Select the board
And from there we have the bugged out part
Now i went ahead and connected the wifi. Now everything worked like it should

Is this normal
Restart fixed this
Did you verify that it still failed without the wifi?
I will try this asap
Reproduced!! Thank youj!
Thank you for helping me out in the first place
I just did a favor back. you are welcome!