MCU shutdown when homing (BTT octopus F446)

So I try to home my X-axis, but the MCU shuts down and I have to do a firmware restart. It did work on a previous install (RatOS on a CB1, screws up on a reboot), so Im trying to configure a standard klipper install (with klipperscreen). I did git-pull the ratrig configurations, and configured for the V-Minion, rooted out the errors I was getting. I uncommented two lines: #[include config/printers/v-minion/input-shaper-single.cfg] #[include config/shell-macros.cfg] This is the logfile from klippy: I tried un-inverting the enable_pin, its making noise, so I inverted it again. Everything else on the system seems to be working, any suggestions on what might be the issue?
Google Docs
Dumping gcode input 0 blocks Dumping 20 requests for client 281473218122272 Received 4129.882024: b'{"id": 281473792238400, "method": "gcode/script", "params": {"script": "QUERY_PROBE"}}' Received 4142.334644: b'{"id": 281473783196448, "method": "query_endstops/status", "params": {}}' Received 41...
2 Replies
Can you post a picture of your wiring?
CoffeeSquirelOP3y ago
Theres nothing wrong with the wiring. I have a printer configuration that can move the axes, but is missing configurations. When I restart with the ratrig V-Minion configuration, it shuts down when trying to home. The extruder is working though Figured it out, was a misplaced Z driver, apparently it checks for comms on all drivers when homing any axis

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