RatOS V2 Alpha and Euclid probe on fresh build.
Hey all, working on my new V-Core 3.1 with Octopus 1.1 and Euclid probe. So far, I got the RatOS V2 Apha 4 running (figured I'd try RatOS 2 seeing it has Euclid support out of the box), X and Y homing works perfectly but Z homing returns
Error evaluating 'gcode_macro _ASSERT_PROBE_STATE:gcode': gcode.CommandError: expected probe state to be deployed but is stowed (1)
I tried QUERY_PROBE, but that always returns triggered
Installed the Euclid on PG11, so added that in the printer.cfg as well:
pin: PB11
31 Replies
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
Nevertheless, I can't seem to get it working...
exotic-emerald•3y ago
Did you try placing ^ in front of PB11? So the result is pin: ^PB11
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
Just tried that, sadly same result 😅
exotic-emerald•3y ago
Starting with the euclid probe in the dock, does it pick up the probe and then give you the error?
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
Haven't tried using a dock yet, just homing with it already attached. Detaching it still results in it returning triggered
Led on the Euclid is lit though, pressing the switch blinks it
exotic-emerald•3y ago
Ok try it with it with the probe detached and using ^PB11, when it moves to the 'dock' location attach the euclid probe and see if you get the error
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
Same result. Can try it with PG11 again
Nope... Same issue and keeps returning triggered
exotic-emerald•3y ago
The LED indicates good power and correct response. What board are you using? I was using BTT Octopus 446 and ^PB10 with both RATOS V1 & V2 with no issues. Switching from PB11 to ^PB11 should give you a different indication if the control wiring is good and pin assignment correct.
indication = error
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
BTT Octopus 446 here 👍 PG11 right? For the endstop pins
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago

exotic-emerald•3y ago
When you home all are you getting good checks on x and y and then the error?
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
Yeah, X/Y homes nicely, Z gives the error after the docking "bump"
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago

exotic-emerald•3y ago
Ok with my looks the same with the probe 'stowed' (removed) and 'Probe" changes to "OPEN" when 'deployed' (installed). Are you see the change with the probe on and off?
Endstop Z remains 'triggered'
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
No change if I remove the probe to the endstops after refreshing, not with PG11 nor ^PG11. Stays on triggered all the time
Guessing I'm doing something wrong here 😅
exotic-emerald•3y ago
I would verify these setting, then make sure the signal wire from the probe to PB 11 is good.
Pick your probe and endstops
BL Touch
#[include config/z-probe/bltouch.cfg]
Inductive/Capacitive probe
#[include config/z-probe/probe.cfg]
Euclid probe (please read the RatOS documentation for instructions)
[include config/z-probe/euclid.cfg]
Klicky probe (please read the RatOS documentation for instructions)
#[include config/z-probe/klicky/klicky.cfg]
#[include config/z-probe/klicky/unklicky.cfg]
Physical endstop on X
[include config/printers/v-core-3/physical-endstop-x.cfg]
Physical endstop on Y
[include config/printers/v-core-3/physical-endstop-y.cfg]
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
Yeah, looks to be good

exotic-emerald•3y ago
agree....so I believe the next most likely cause is a wiring issue which could include swapping the ground and signal wires or power and signal...forget which two I swapped when I first installed my probe. 🙄
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
Currently going from Euclid to Octopus VCC > 5V, GND > GND, SIG > PG11
Just checked the wires with a multimeter as well, seems to be good
exotic-emerald•3y ago
What are your [probe] settings? Is PB8, 9 or 10 available just to verify you do not have a board pin issue?
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
PG8 and PG9 are taken by X and Y end stops, I can try PG10
exotic-emerald•3y ago
I think it would be worth moving since everything else seems to be ok.
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
I feel like an absolute buffoon... I added the overrides in the top of the printer.cfg... Instead of at the bottom
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago

exotic-emerald•3y ago
It is always that tiny detail that gets us! 😀 Happy to see it working.
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
Yeah real happy! Just gotta print the docking mount so I can get that last part working, seems to be perfect beyond that! Thanks a lot for the help 😄👍 really appreciate it!
exotic-emerald•3y ago
I don't think I did much to help...
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
No way 😉 helped having another set of eyes and ears, wouldn't have checked the position of the overrides if it wasn't for that 👌
exotic-emerald•3y ago
Well with that I will wish you a Happy New Year and head off to continue my testing of probe accuracy between the euclid and super pinda.
fascinating-indigoOP•3y ago
You too! Cheers!
Use the same wiring as the 5v inductive probe in the wiring diagrams (will add this to the docs eventually)