Layer shifts

Printer that works fine for months suddenly starts layer shifting on me.
What are some things to check while I have this thing apart?
3 Replies
has the temperature of the printer/room changed? I find I have to adjust my settings depending on if it is winter or summer in my house
Max12mo ago
Assuming it has been a few months since you last touched them, I would start by checking belt tension and the set screws on the timing pulleys. In general, with the amount of vibration in a printer it is a good idea to make sure all screws are still tight every couple of months, especially the ones securing the wires on the power supply, ssr, etc.
Kyle5912mo ago
Mine has just started doing the same thing. Did a x/y belt tension in Ratos and was horrible, so went through the process and got it all fixed up. Noticed some of the bearings sounded like they were running with gravel in them, so pulled down and lubricated, which helped there a lot. I am going to get a new seat of bearings in and replace all of them. Re-set the belts again and tensioned all nicely. The next print went beautifully for 2hrs, and then the layers shifted horribly again on it. Going to pull the belts apart completely and check it all, but most likely retire them and replace them along with the bearings. There is something very wring with it. Pretty sure it can only be belt or bearings...... The graphs showed the x and y very close, then tensioned one up a bit more and one of htem collapses completely, anyone else every have the same thing?

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