bed temp fluctuation
Not sure if this is an issue or if there is an easy fix but with my Ratrig V-Core 3.1 300 (with the Ratrig supplied bed and heater) the bed temperature fluctuates about a.5 degr C at lower temperatures. Is this normal?
5 Replies
That's with the heater off right?
Seems like it's just picking up ambient temp fluctuations
Could be, however the Extruder thermistor reports a much more consistent temperature and that is hanging above the printbed...
the curves are smooth at least, so I don't think it is a failing thermistor or loose wiring
The bed was a lot of thermal mass though.
Have you done a PID calibrate for the bed heater?
Yes, I have. As this is most visible without the heater on, I find it dificult to diagnose. If the heater is on, there is obviously also a fluctuation due to natural cooling and fans switching on/off. Also, if this also occurs when the heater is on, it would make the PID controller work harder then it should.
As for the effect on the prints; I do not know if this has a large effect. I recently learned that the temp of the bed idealy is just below the cristalisation temp (or glass transition temperature) of the filament. For ASA, I now have my bed at 95 degr as the crystallisation temperature is 98 degr. The 1,5 degree error could just get the bed slightly to warm.
Try, find out. Bump the heat down a degree if you have problems