Best way to route filament with Enclosure 2.0?

Over the holidays I finally got around to building the Enclosure 2.0 for my VC400. I made my own panels and mounted them knowing I still had a lot of design work on figuring out the routing of the filament and the mounting of my Klipper display. I did not like the Ratrig method of routing the filament thru the back. I figured the inside mounting worked with Enclosure 1.0, so why not that.
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12 Replies
abcurrieOP3y ago
I got it all put together and this is what it looked like. Only to find out that this must have been all before the advent of the newer fan options such as the 4028 fan. I can get it to home and I can get it to park. But do NOT try to go between those two positions.
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abcurrieOP3y ago
So.... what solutions have people come up with to solve this? Having a BTT filament sensor does impact some options but I REALLY like having a filament sensor. It has saved several print jobs when filament was not feeding right.
sherbs3y ago
Interesting... My suggestion would be to remix the 4028 fan duct - or convert to ebm-Pabst fan... Unless you print at extreme speeds or have requirements for real exotic materials, the 4028 is overkill
ptegler3y ago
Ditto on the 4028 overkill.... a single 5015 is my next iteration (yep, always have to prove it to myself before satisfied) That tall 4028 duct hit mine on a VC500, so went to the light-weight (adjuster-less back plate) EVA and dropped the fan way down (short duct) You loose a couple mm and need to extend your Y endstop mount but not an issue on a VC500
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abcurrieOP3y ago
I am really surprised at the lack of feedback on this question. Is this because not many people have gone the enclosure route? Or because most have just used the default routing thru the back via a long reverse bowden? Anyway if anyone has suggestions, I am open to ideas!
sherbs3y ago
I have the original style enclosure and I've mounted my filament pretty much exactly where you have yours.... Difference is that I'm running a variant of eva2.4 and an ebm-papst fan... I don't have the clearance issues that you do... The short term fix is to move your y-endstop forward and adjust your config to reflect the shorter y... Looks like you'll lose 40mm in y... Not a huge deal if you don't regularly need it But, yeah, I think looking into other fan setups is the best long term solution
Alex913y ago
I have my spools to the right and left of the print bed. I can make another photo later where you can see it clearly
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abcurrieOP3y ago
I will look at other fan configurations. I have used both single and double 5015's in the past. Not familiar with the ebm-papst fan. Could you send a picture? Very interesting setup; single extruder with two feeds.... Please send a picture of where the filament rolls are.
sherbs3y ago
Similar to a 5015, but has much wider mouth and moves more air
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Alex913y ago
The two feeders are from Helges MMU ROME. But even without the feeders it was the best solution for my filament in the ENC2. The filament rolls are placed to the right and left of the bed
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sherbs3y ago
Yep! This is not a bad solution either... It'll double my filament path but still a good option (except maybe for flexible)... Did you make those rollers yourself?

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