KUSBA cannot get to work

I have tried everything I can think of and read all of miklschmidt recommendations. I must be close.
7 Replies
miklschmidt2y ago
As the error says, you've put serial: in your adxl345 section. @tracyb7734 i think you missed most of what i wrote in #ratos-development just noticed i didn't actually mention naming the [mcu], that's my bad. Your adxlmcu.cfg should look something like this:
[mcu usbadxl]
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_E6624C90276D6038-if00

[adxl345 usbadxl]
# Edit the above line with the correct serial address. Use "ls /dev/serial/by-id/*" to find the MCU serial address.
cs_pin: usbadxl:PA15
# Hardware SPI Option (Better results, "Invalid ID" Klipper bug with first query)
spi_bus: sp13

accel_chip: adxl345 usbadxl

# More info: https://www.klipper3d.org/Config_Reference.html#adxl345
[mcu usbadxl]
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_E6624C90276D6038-if00

[adxl345 usbadxl]
# Edit the above line with the correct serial address. Use "ls /dev/serial/by-id/*" to find the MCU serial address.
cs_pin: usbadxl:PA15
# Hardware SPI Option (Better results, "Invalid ID" Klipper bug with first query)
spi_bus: sp13

accel_chip: adxl345 usbadxl

# More info: https://www.klipper3d.org/Config_Reference.html#adxl345
Tracy7734OP2y ago
Thank you. It is now working. Now I can help others with this. Thanks again.
ambitious-aqua2y ago
Hi All, I tried the same, but I'm getting a non valid serial Error [adxl345 usbadxl] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Anchor_Rampon-if00 Edit the above line with the correct serial address. Use "ls /dev/serial/by-id/*" to find the MCU serial address. cs_pin: PA15 Hardware SPI Option (Better results, "Invalid ID" Klipper bug with first query) spi_bus: sp13 Software SPI Option (No "Invalid ID" Klipper bug with first query) spi_software_sclk_pin: adxl:gpio2 spi_software_mosi_pin: adxl:gpio3 spi_software_miso_pin: adxl:gpio0 [resonance_tester] accel_chip: adxl345 usbadxl probe_points: 150,150,20 Edit the above line with the correct probe points location. I recommend the center of your bed for X & Y, 20 for Z. For 350 mm printers: 175,175,20 For 300 mm printers: 150,150,20 For 250 mm printers: 125,125,20 For 120 mm printers: 60,60,20 More info: https://www.klipper3d.org/Config_Reference.html#adxl345
miklschmidt2y ago
serial goes in [mcu] not in [adxl345]. Please look at my earlier comment in this thread stating the exact same thing: https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/1163143602684317837/1163160806037389383
ambitious-aqua2y ago
Thanks , now i have a Unknown spi_bus 'sp13'
Please start your own support post
miklschmidt2y ago
He's basically doing all the same things wrong that are already explained in this thread and here: https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/859890291591217162/1162058029496283208

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