" Endstop z still triggered after retract "

hello there, swapped boards, and got to initial set up, when trying to calibrate z, its showing "" Endstop z still triggered after retract " checking the trigger statue, X is open, Y is open, Z and probe says triggerd, although its far away, and the only motion i got was downward and then the error message, i tried to add a " ! " instead of the " ^ " on the line, the stautes became open for all 3 axis and probe, but it crashes and doesnt detect the bed upon calibration. check cables and all and it looks right.
5 Replies
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
[probe] z_offset: -1.4
this is wrong. You are saying that when your z probe detects your nozzle is into the bed 1.4mm But from the sounds of it - sounds like a bad connection if you wiring is correct or your probe isn't working
Naiofz91OP•2y ago
the Z offset adjustment of -1.4 was an attempt to put back the same z from my previous set up, the issue occured from before i edieted fro 0.0. regarding wiring, i checked connectivity with a multi-meter for and it returned connected between all 3 different wires, i visually checked the cripms and port and it was ok.. what makes me wounder is that it was working fine before i did the upgrade. and when i convert pin with " ! " and checked stautes of end stops it showed open for both z and probe, but doesnt trigger when it should. while on the os default, it immiditly retracts the bed down and shws the error message. when it throws the error, is when trying to home Z with the default setting, and then when checking the probe statues it says triggered for both Z and probe, so the fact that the probe statues changing makes me doubt that the probe is bad, unless it just suddenly shorted somehow and isnt actually triggering...
PollePro•2y ago
Did u find a fix?
Naiofz91OP•2y ago
had to change it to a bl touch, my super pinda was probably faulty,, u can find one on prusa 's website for around 25$ " superpinda " ..
PollePro•2y ago
Hmm okay 🙂

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