Bed level issue?
Wondering if anyone else observed similar issue.. I noticed on doing a first layer print test with prints in various locations on the bed, the first layer print always seems to be thinner toward the front of the bed.. if the BLprobe does the bed levelling test prior to print start, I question why this issue should be showing up..
3 Replies
Has anyone ever used some sort or paper or tape placed in certain areas on the magnetic sheet to better level the PEI sheet that would sit on top? Such as what this guy is doing?
Ratrig Bed Levelling issues - finally sorted.
Special thanks to John Beima for all the time spent with me troubleshooting this not very well designed 3d printer.
After more investigation i am pretty sure that it is a system issue which cannot cope with the bed mesh leveling properly.
What i have done so far:
1. New probe - SuperPINDA form Prusa Research
2. Made the bed as flat as possible...
Again, I find my PEI sheet, given the first layer print test, to be higher toward the front of the printer, than the rear..
I was thinking of trying what the guy in the video is doing.. just don't want to waste my time if it's not going to work..
deep-jade•3y ago
I trammed my 5’x10’ CNC spindle by putting aluminum foil between the z mounting plates so I think this is a great idea