Wipe Line -before print - Each time the Macro worked differently, what's wrong?
Stworzylem makro
[gcode_macro WIPE_LINE]
description: Makro do czyszczenia dyszy przed rozpoczęciem drukowania
G92 E0
G1 X2 Y2 Z4 F9000
G1 Y40 Z0.4 E16 F1000
G1 Y60 Z0.2 E14 F1000
G1 Y80.0 E14 F1200.0
G1 Y100.0 E14 F1200.0
G1 Y120.0 E14 F1200.0
G1 Y160.0 E14 F1800.0 G1 Y140.0 E14 F2300.0
G0 Z2 F15000 I'm having a problem with the WIPE_LINE macro that I'm adding in Orca Slicer. The problem is that it works differently every time - each time it prints, the purge line looks different: Once it makes only 20 mm, after which the extruder stops. Other times it makes a line up to 4 times thicker than it should be. I cannot find a rule as to why the result is different each time. Has anyone had a similar problem or have any tips on how to stabilise this?
G1 Y40 Z0.4 E16 F1000
G1 Y60 Z0.2 E14 F1000
G1 Y80.0 E14 F1200.0
G1 Y100.0 E14 F1200.0
G1 Y120.0 E14 F1200.0
G1 Y160.0 E14 F1800.0 G1 Y140.0 E14 F2300.0
G0 Z2 F15000 I'm having a problem with the WIPE_LINE macro that I'm adding in Orca Slicer. The problem is that it works differently every time - each time it prints, the purge line looks different: Once it makes only 20 mm, after which the extruder stops. Other times it makes a line up to 4 times thicker than it should be. I cannot find a rule as to why the result is different each time. Has anyone had a similar problem or have any tips on how to stabilise this?
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