Error during homing contact on repeated prints

I am receiving an error message "Error during homing contact" inconsistently. In this case, I printed two objects and the third gave the error. In particular, the second and third object are near identical (extrusion multiplier tests). I also ran into this issue yesterday under similar circumstances. (Three prints succeeded and all after the third failed like this) The carriage is parked in the extreme front left position every time. The nozzle tip is beyond the range of the bed magnet. It happens after rehoming after z tilt. This is using a beacon and on ratos 2.1
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69 Replies
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
I can take more pictures if the position is not illustrated enough
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chickenā€¢8mo ago
is it beacon based printer it looks like? If so do you have performance mode enabled (assuming RatOS 2.1). It can sometimes error out like that on homing if the Z does not come up quickly enough. Performance mode makes it home quicker and typically takes care of it. Otherwise just start the print again and you should be fine.
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
It is beacon based, right now I did not enable performance mode in the configurator. don't currently have cooled drivers I can retry the print, but yesterday this happened consistently after the first few two prints
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DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
Though now I wonder if I can work around it by turning off the motors in between each print which isn't really a "fix" but a way to narrow down the cause Without turning off the motors, but letting it cool down, it worked Immediately trying again it failed in the same way third time right way also failed same way fourth time: cut power to motors, did not let cool down. failure
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
I do not think keeping exact track of the temps will matter but this is right after the fourth failure
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miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
So for starters, you'll want to fix this That's what's causing the error (there's no contact event detected when it is expected)
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
I assumed as much, but toying with the value of [beacon] y_offset: 22.5 didnt seem to move where it probed and it only tried to move that far on the prints that failed. the ones that did not fail tested within the range of the magnet on the build plate
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
It will move the toolhead so that the coil is over the nozzle coordinates, that's what the offset is used for. That is not the problem here though. You're homing in a bad spot. It's just poorly (or not at all) calibrated x/y limits. you want 0,0 to be 5mm within the print sheet (it's 10cm wider / longer than the build area) Just noticed someone posted a guide to doing this, you can give that a shot:
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
I will test this in just a moment, thank you I think those steps exactly are incorrect for the y axis on vcores Setting the position_endstop and position_min to the negative values as they describe causes it to move forward (away from the y endstop) during homing e: may have figured it out, if the nozzle tip was inside the plate at 15mm, then I think i want to set [stepper_y] position_endstop = 485 (that is, 500 - 15)
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
Yes on V-Core 3 you home at the back which naturally is a positive endstop value near position_max
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
how did you know that i just started the next test print litterally One minute ago
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
But yea, I think those instructions linked assume the endstop is at 0 for both X and Y, the same process can be used for Y, just modifying a different value
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
It's assuming everyone uses a voron šŸ˜„
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
Huh, first two prints after changing that worked fine. but just as before, the third failed with the carriage parked in the corner This time within the bounds of the sheet, but same corner Still getting failures in the same way unless I let it sit for a long time I dont think the offsets were directly the issue
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
why is it homing in the corner?
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
Interesting question, watching it fail just now: it checks the three corners for Z tilt, moves to the center to home after tilt, move to the corner to gently press the nozzle into the bed. "Error during homing contact: No trigger on probe after full movement" maybe my macro got weird? e: "start g code" for printer in sclicer is START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={first_layer_temperature[0]} EXTRUDER_OTHER_LAYER_TEMP={temperature[0]} BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature] TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT={total_layer_count} X0={first_layer_print_min[0]} Y0={first_layer_print_min[1]} X1={first_layer_print_max[0]} Y1={first_layer_print_max[1]}
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
I'm going to need a debug-zip for sure Before reproducing the problem next time write DEBUG_ENABLE in the console. Then reproduce the issue and download the debug zip and send it to me
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
I'll do that now while its still warm
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
oh no i wont
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miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
sec, i may be remembering wrong Try ENABLE_DEBUG while i look šŸ˜‚
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
bingo lol
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
Ah yes it's ENABLE_DEBUG šŸ˜„
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
It's still running and not failing, you know just to be difficult but, I did take note of when it moves to the front left
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DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
In particular, the nozzle wipe looked like this (The smallest gash, formed before my very eyes lol)
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DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
Now I've run into the failure with enable_debug, where do I find the debug zip?
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
247.5 x 250 is not the front left Something is very wrong here. Oooh.. "-inf" on Z measurement.. That's really bad. Are there strong magnets in those custom Z arms? (not sure why there would be, but who knows what people come up with)
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
This is the cause of your troubles fucks over the beacon, you have a massive no-scan / no-contact zone around that arm. I can't type today
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
huh, interesting I can try them without magnets shortly, but why would that make it try to z home in the corner?
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
It doesn't home z in the corner, it probes for the prime blob because of the adaptive mesh. You can disable the adaptive mesh. but keep in mind your mesh results near those arms are going to be unreliable
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
oh that makes sense, yeah but wouldnt disabling the active mesh not fix the issue? actually I can generate a bed mesh to see how wack it is in the corners and see
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
Disabling the active mesh would stop probing for the prime blob, but yes your z would still be fucked near those arms
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
hm seems i cant manually run a bed mesh e: either way, I'll try non adaptive stuff in a moment
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miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
V-Core 3 yeah? You have to adjust your bed_mesh min/max to use beacon default probe offsets, z_tilt and mesh assume superpinda on eva 3
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
that may explain why the rear most probe of z_tilt is slightly to the side
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
I must have overlooked that
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
and why you're probing so close to the edge of you plate you would have had to read the klipper documentation. There's no way for me to know how to adjust coordinates when people use custom toolheads.
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
For sure. I didnt even think to check
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
took me way to long to figure out that mesh_min needs to be greater than beacon offset values šŸ˜” and this isnt a "good" bed mesh, but it does look better than I'd expect if the front two corners were black holes of undefined data
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DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
eg, these four are different meshes
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miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
It doesn't get as close to the edge after you fixed the mesh coordinates is my guess šŸ™‚
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
Nope, still does in the nozzle wipe. And I still ran I to the same error as before when actually printing Later today I'm going to try a much more aggressively small bed size min and max before taking out the front left magnet And when I check for z tilt, the rearmost point is still not lined up with the middle, But [probe] x_offset gave an error when I set it in printer.cfg I may still be configuring the macros wrong E:but unfortunately now I must be back in the office so I can't grab the exact error
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
you'd still need to disable adaptive_mesh
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
Oh yeah, got that set to false too Removing the front left arm magnet did nothing
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
and trying to set probe_x so the rear most z-tilt wont be off center results in this error
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miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
you are using beacon, so that would go under [beacon] not [probe]
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
Yeah, got that too as [beacon] x_offset: 0 y_offset: 22.5
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
Yeah, so get rid of the [probe] section you can't have both
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
I did, but the z tilt is still off on the back section Which is probably not directly related to the probing issue in the front left corner
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
yes you'd need to adjust your z_tilt points to fix that, not your beacon offsets z_tilt points uses nozzle coordinates and ignores your probe offsets because klipper logic...
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
Huh, def gonna chalk that one up to klipper as well lol well that did fix the off center z-tilt, but not the error during homing contact maybe something is mis conifgured on the beacon for the z axis?
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
There's nothing to configure the problem is the reading you're getting in that corner is bad when using contact, the toolhead moves forward to place the coil over the nozzle area, so it's further forward than your mess would be. But it's not supposed to do that when probing the prime area..
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
Even with the magnet removed?
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
I'm not sure Might just be too close to the edge to get a proper reading @Helge Keck any idea here? nozzle keeps digging into the build plate when priming, and it fails after a couple of prints.
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
I'm also rerunning beacon_ratos_calibration right now, don't know if that needs to be re run after changing the bed and mesh variables though
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
Shouldn't have to, but doesn't hurt
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
And to confirm, still happening and it's about this far in now when it does at x = 5, y = 5
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miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
Might be too close to the edge in X
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
it might BUT I tried turning off all motors after last failed print, printing right away, and now it's working. I will attempt this again after the print completes
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
What does BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATION report? There are several checks in there that might give us a clue Because if turning off the motors work, that tells me something is loose and one or more axes are drifting over time.
DeckerOPā€¢8mo ago
These were some of the final numbers but in the process of me taking these, failed the same way even with the motors off
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miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
these all seem perfectly reasonable hmm
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢8mo ago
according to the beacon doc you shouldnt have any metall near the beacon on your toolhead, and you should have the beacon much closer to the bed than this
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Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢8mo ago
idk if this is a problem, but this setup should be checked by matt maybe, i suggest to ask in the annex discord to make sure it can be used like this other than that i have no idea whats going ont tbh i could also move the contact wipe move more to the middle isntead of doing at at the corner just to avoid any reading errors so close to the edge of the bed for the contact wipe the nozzle shoul dbe at Z0.1 i suggest to turn it off for the moment with:
# Beacon probe configuration
[gcode_macro RatOS]
variable_beacon_contact_wipe_before_calibrate: False
# Beacon probe configuration
[gcode_macro RatOS]
variable_beacon_contact_wipe_before_calibrate: False
@miklschmidt i moved the contact wipe to X50 Y10 i also raised it to Z0.2mm
miklschmidtā€¢8mo ago
Looks like a significant angle too šŸ¤”
DeckerOPā€¢7mo ago
The first thing I plan on printing post calibration is fixed up carriage parts, including the duct. So if it is a design issue, that'll be the top priority. I was worried about getting the printer "up and running" before starting to swap out the parts. In the meanwhile, I will try turning off contact wipe tonight Oh also it's not "supposed" to be slanted like that, but the spacers I printed were too thick and I didn't notice until mid assembly Quick update: turning off the wipe before calibrate does let me consistently print. So thank you for that. At least 3 in a row so far Next plan is to fix the actual beacon placement to see if that was the cause of the issue. I'll report back after those with wipe, adaptive mesh, and the arm magnet back in place to see if those still have an effect for future reference But again, thank you very much for the help Wanted to give this one last update: Problem was entirely the angle of the beacon. - The magnets in the arms had zero impact on the mesh generation. - The wipe before probe and adaptive mesh have since been re activated with no further issue. - The distance of the probe may have technically been an issue, but that is a consequence of it being angled - The end stop position being set incorrectly did lead to issues (in that it was trying to wipe too far away), but that was a misleading symptom to a different problem. So again, thank you for helping me figure out and correct my own mistake

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