Error when trying to flash ratos 2.0
So I downloaded the new image from the github for 2.0 and Ive tried with two sd cards now. I use balena etcher to flash the image but at the end I get an error. For context with sd cards were preciously used as my cb1 from current use and one was from a failed attempt before that one. Dont worry about the failed attempt too much as I erased both SD cards prior to the new flash. FAT32 format on both yet I get this error saying it cant read the sd card. I am upgrading my manta v1.1 to a v2. I took my sd card out of my current cb1 and erased that image and cleaned the card. I downloaded the new image from github and error. Any idea?

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Just have a look here:
Releases · Rat-OS/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - Rat-OS/RatOS
7 Replies

Just use an older version of Balena Etcher
I downloaded 1.18 and it flashed! thank you
is their a new set up wizard? Im still in the old one and dont see the new manta board and this doesn't look like what I saw it the ratrig 2.1os video lol

OK im lost. I think I just flashed 2.0 again. I don't see a cb1 image for 2.1 anywhere. Am I missing something?
Ive searched ratos 2.1 multiple times now in google and im on the github and still dont see anything and getting very frustrated!!! ratos 2.0 was so simple to find!!
Just have a look here:
Releases · Rat-OS/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - Rat-OS/RatOS
Click on Assets and you can find the download...