having all sorts of issues
i didnt have issues yesterday., now today, prints arent sticking. i did the popcan under the x gantry to level it, and my mesh is still messed up.

14 Replies

looks like you haven't done a z-tilt
A what?
@blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸 and this is for problem meshes?
you clearly have a flat plan that is tilted, that tells me you didn't do a z-tilt.
You need to do:
* home all
* z-tilt
* bed mesh
Do I need to add a z tilt adjust config file?
not if you are using RatOS
okay so in the command line i type.. ?
I found this on Reddit too. https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/111gro8/height_map_problems_i_used_a_pinda_then_switched/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
r/3Dprinting - height map problems, I used a pinda then switched to...
5 votes and 2 comments so far on Reddit
something like
this is from looking at https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS-configuration/blob/v2.x/macros.cfg#L355
g28 z_tilt_adjust did nothing
@blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸
Define "did nothing"? it should either execute the gcode or give you an error
it just homed it to the center of the bed