noisy printer, unable to locate sound source

I have been printing for about a month now. The printer has been printing OK quality, about what my previous printer was capable of, however 8 am having to print at a snail pace to prevent unholy amounts of noise I cannor locate where the noise is coming from. I have tried turning my printer round to pinpoint it, but it's just noise. Sounds like a cross between a horcrux and velociraptor.
5 Replies
Igor•2y ago
move only x and dan y
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
same concept as to listen and find where the noise is coming from
Scotty Kilmer
How To Use a Giant Screwdriver To Find Car Noises
Scotty Kilmer, mechanic for the last 45 years, shows how you can use a giant screwdriver to fix noises that your car is making. Sound travels great in metal, and you can use that fact to use a giant screwdriver to find the source of annoying noises on your car. And, If you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show every Saturday m...
constant-blueOP•2y ago
in just X and Y it still seems to be making the noise. it seems like it is coming from the back of the printer, and i have a feeling it is to do with the routing that the belts go through the stepper motors. Don't want to be too much of a douche, but I never had to put a giant screwdriver in my ear for any of my other printers 🤣 However, it is a method that seems to be working. Not one i ever thought about before, so it is a good call. It sounds like the noise is coming from one of the pulleys used to tension the belt as it goes around the stepper motor. Putting the screwdriver on the bolt that "sticks out" the top (it is flush) made the creaking noise loud as day.
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
I would open that one up and check the bearings and make sure the printed parts look good (no wear or little pieces hanging, etc)
constant-blueOP•2y ago
Thankyou for the help. I appreciate it.

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