Layers not sticking past layer 3

At my wits end, 245c on hardened steel nozzle printing PET-G, finally fought my way through getting the first layer successful now I'm getting this Any advice is welcome
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4 Replies
mystefix.4mo ago
Hi @MACBEAN do you have the correct nozzle diameter configured in your slicer ? I had similar problems until i found out that i had a 0.6 instead of a 0.4 nozzle in the hot end installed.
RatMonkey4mo ago
What is your part cooling fan set at?
crater4mo ago
It's hard to see in the photo, but is it possible that you are under extruding once you get past the first couple of slow layers? I.e. extryder can't keep up once print speeds increase causing stopping and starting of extrusion and peeling up of smaller sections. I had gaps in my prints from about layer 3 onwards. Initially resolved by slowing the printer - but then I noticed that the gear on the arm of the orbiter 2 extruder was very stiff. A bit of oil on this gear fixed things up. Might be a long shot, but worth considering I think.
jd3mo ago
It may be related to part fan that may be off for the n firsts layers and then kicking in. The difference in cooling may affect the adhesion of that layer. Reducing the cooling have solve this issue for me

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