VC3.1 500. From Saddle to bow

This is on a Vcore 3.1 500. The mesh was taken after 10 minutes of heat soaking at 100c. It is a 7x7 mesh. I have followed this YT vid and I believe my frame is square. Is the weird shape due to my bed being a weird shape? I've had this printer for years now. Is it time to get another bed?
3D Printers & a Whiteboard
RatRig V-Core 3: How to Get a Square Frame
This video is for those who struggle getting bed meshed with their RatRig V-Core 3. Please feel free to jump to the chapter you are interested in. 0:00 Intro 1:05 about the v-core 3 frame and bed leveling 8:26 what to take care of in the building phase 9:17 the right square 10:09 build tips 16:50 adjusting the frame according to your bed mesh ...
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12 Replies
Polyhedra_•10mo ago
are you sure that your linear rails are bolted together to the frame properly ? to me it kinda looks likethey might have loosened over time or something, the pattern you can see here suggests your gantry is bent and that is most likely uneven tension on the linear rail, just be sure that you read the graph properly!
Polyhedra_•10mo ago
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DaxxerOP•10mo ago
after taking apart my x rail+gantry and y rails, putting them back together, testing, and repeating this a second time. I have something different! My saddle mesh is gone and now I have this. No idea where to go from here tho. This is heated to 100c and not held there for any length of time before probing.
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DaxxerOP•10mo ago
I have removed, replaced and tightened both Y rails a few times. I even took one of the 3030 and flipped it to see if that would have an effect. I can't figure out the bow in the Y. I have no idea what else to try 😦
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DaxxerOP•10mo ago
I home, z-tilt then run the mesh. Also, solved my belt binding issue somewhere in the middle while taking things apart
Polyhedra_•10mo ago
I would make sure that Y alu extrusions aren't under tension that would cause them to bend, also try to loosen the Y linear rails so that they stay in place (idea is to see if giving them some wiggle room/releasing any potential tension will make your mesh any better) I'm still pushing the idea of bent rails/extrusion as I had a similar bed mesh on my VC400 once also you had quite a radical shift of a mesh compared to the first one you posted
DaxxerOP•10mo ago
thank you for the suggestion! I just said too hell with it and loosened all the nuts on the Y rails and a couple at the ends of X rails and that made a HUGE difference.
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DaxxerOP•10mo ago
now i'm really considering purchasing a torque wrench. Any chance you could tell me how much Nm is recommended for the screws on the rails?
DaxxerOP•10mo ago
made alot of ground I feel with this. However, I can't figure out whats going on with the left side of the bed. It just looks like a waterfall lol No idea whats causing it
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DaxxerOP•10mo ago
I did it! I got a repeatable mesh close to 0.2!
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DaxxerOP•10mo ago
tyvm @polyhedra_ and @Ross13 for the help! for anyone in the future, there were multiple things wrong that caused this. the frist I think were the bolts holding down the rails. I think some of the bolts were actually slipped inbetween the 3030 and not actually holding down the rail. secondly, I actually ended up buying a torque wrench off amazon for $50 to make sure I had even pressure on the rails. 3rdly, my frame was not square so I borrowed my wife's 91cm ruler and did my best to make sure all the corners were the same height.
DaxxerOP•10mo ago
i doubt this is ideal but I ended up with a 2mm space on the back right. its not pretty but it works lol
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