How do you do the X axis mod. Specifically how the the 3d printed parts attach to the ends.

HI. I have a 500mm rat rig v core 3.1 with 2.0 enclosure. I got the carbon fiber x axis mod. is there a guide on how to connect the ends to the carbon fiber rod. it definitely connects differently than the regular aluminum extrusion. is there a guide out there that shows how to do the mod? im trying to figure out how to get nuts on the ends of the bolts but when trying to do it youre blind.
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31 Replies
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
is there a guide on how to connect the ends to the carbon fiber rod
I haven't heard of a rod being used. Usually it is a CF square tube
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
yes you are right. i should have said tube. because that is more accurate ill post pics of what i am trying to describe
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
So the rod slides in. And there are two holes on the bottom to attach the tube. But how do you put a nut on the end of the bolt to secure it to the rod? There is no way to position the nut or hold the nut to tighten it
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absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
with the normal x axis made from aluminum extrusion. what you do is put T nuts on the end of hte bolts before you attach the x axis. then you slide the aluminum extrusion in. but with the carbon fiber tube you can not do it that way
billyd•3y ago
Take a look at my carbon fiber x-axis mod. Download the stl files and take a look you will see nut holders for the ends, as well as a nut tool to install the rail to the CF tube. There is also a stp file of the design and you can see how it goes together. Note this is for tube with 1.5mm wall thickness.
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
oh. so you need to print those little step looking peices and then slide them into the carbon fiber tube and they hold the nuts in place so you can tighten the bolts to the end peices. i was wonering how ever in the world i was supposed to try and get nuts tightened inside of the tube by myself.
foreign-sapphire•3y ago
I printed small blocks that slide inside the tubes and installed heat-set threaded inserts. They line up with the existing holes in the xy joiners.
billyd•3y ago
Yes, just remember those blocks were designed for 1.5mm wall. If your wall has a different thickness they might not fit, or might be too loose. You can use the step file to make adjustments as necessary.
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
The carbon fiber tube I bought came with end pieces that fit snugly. It also came drilled with all the holes I need.
billyd•3y ago
Oh ok I thought you were doing it yourself
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
Thank you for all your help! Also do you know anyone with a reprap board? I'm gona probably need help with the firmware when the time comes. I'll probably run klipper woth mu raspberry pi
billyd•3y ago
For the vcore3 I just bought the standard recommended equipment and used ratos. I think if you go it alone with Klipper you are facing a very steep learning curve. I built a custom printer on a reprap board and had to configure my own Marlin 2 setup and that was challenging. I believe Klipper is much more difficult.
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
I've already build 4 printers before this. An ender 3 pro woth klipper. An ender 5 plus h literally everything including the motherboard and touchscreen updated and molded. A prusa. And a anycubic photon mono X Ender 5 plus also has klipper
billyd•3y ago
Ok you should be able to do it easily then. From your question it seemed as though you didn't know Klipper
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
I haven't installed klipper in like a a year and a half. And I've never use a duet board or reprap before
billyd•3y ago
Why not use ratos?
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
Maybe I should got the other board. Bit I kinda wanted to try the duet because I've always heard good things I got the duet because my boss wanted the more expensive thing
billyd•3y ago
I thought the duet was supported by ratos?
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
Is it? Because if it is I will install ratos
billyd•3y ago
Just checked I see it isn't sorry. Perhaps it is on ratos 2 which is in alpha
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
I'll just install reprap with klipper ontop then They should have pre-configured firmware for the 500mm machine? Or do I have to go through the firmware code and changed things?
billyd•3y ago
I doubt it. I think they (ratrig) sell the hardware. If Mikkel hadn't done anything for the duet (via ratos) I don't know that anyone else has
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
Oh 😦 Now I'm really wishing I got the other board
billyd•3y ago
Your life will be much easier if you just go with the octopus pro 446 or something like that
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
I can't change it now This is for the company I work for. I can't just have them buy the other board.
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
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absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
I'm already half way through the build I've compiled marlin firmware a bunch of times. It ahould ve similar right
billyd•3y ago
Klipper is a different beast from Marlin, I have no idea. But I think you need to know quite a bit about linux, and the language for writing macros which I forget the name of now something with a J? Can't recall. Anyway I looked at it and thought it would take me months of study to figure it out. Thank god for Mikkel
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
i think this is what i want correct?
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
you might want to start a different thread since this is off topic from the x axis mod. This way when people search the topics make sense
absent-sapphireOP•3y ago
kk will do when i get to that part ill make a thread. im still building the frame and waiting on lasercut pieces.

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