High peak at around 130Hz in belt tension with FMMM
I've been searching for a while now and checked almost every part of the printer. I checked every part on the EVA and every idler bearing. The tolerances are fine, nothing is overtightened. Nothing is rattling except for the SSR in the Back on a DIN-Rail a bit.
At this point I'm really clueless what is causing this high peak.
I recently switched to the FMMM Mod and have Metal mounts for the front idlers too.
So in short:
Is the peak coming from vibrations or is something binding?
9 Replies
constant-blueOP•2y ago
The Graph was taken with the printer on the floor to exclude the table
you should test where your going to print
constant-blueOP•2y ago
The Graph is basically the same. I just measured it on the ground to rule out vibrations from the Table below the printer as cause
3D Printers & a Whiteboard
How to Read and Analyze Input Shaper Graphs Generated by Klipper
This video is supposed to be a brief overview on what the input shaper graphs can tell us. It is the first video of a series of videos which will give a more in depth view on the kinematic system and input shaping in Klipper.
As always: feel free to jump to those parts, that help you with your problems:
00:00 Intro
00:57 What we can learn from...
this should help
constant-blueOP•2y ago
I've watched the whole video. But at this point I don't see what is wrong.
The left is lower than the right which seems ok-ish. The peaks are mostly at the same height. And more important at the same Frequency
Both peaks have a bump right of it which would, according to the video, mean a loose bolt and I'm out of ideas which Bolt should be loose. I checked:
- every bolt in the gantry.
- every bolt in the eva
- every bolt in the idlers
- every bolt at the motor mounts
- every bolt on all the rails
- every bolt of the frame corners (at least the top ones)
But I don't know where these bumps are coming from and I have no explanation for the high peak at 130
Ok I now started to check the rails.
Is this normal:
constant-blueOP•2y ago
check if you can twist the carriage along the y axis
it sounds like a normal completly dry rail to me
constant-blueOP•2y ago
Thank you for listening. I'll check. And I'll lubricate all the rails
No twisting