Cannot finish print

Vcore 400 3.1 enclosed. rapido w/ .4 LGX extruder.
Trying to print the x end cap in 3DO ASA and it keeps failing. I have calibrated everything multiple times, have z offset right. I have been able to print the rest of the parts but this one keeps failing at around layer 23. I appears that since the model slopes up from the bottom that the perimeters are curling up which over time causes the head to hit the print which eventually leads to the attached photos. Can someone please point me in the right direction to fix this? Prusa Slicer, Temp 254, 250 (also tried temp 245, 245) bed temp 114, 110.
Everything else in the minion parts list has printed but they all have large flat surfaces.
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4 Replies
audiorazor2y ago
whats your enclosure temp and how much fan?
rare-sapphireOP2y ago
putting in a chmber temp sensor right now.
Fan is a 4028 with 10% max. And not running full time. chamber holds at 49. Is that too cold? when the print fails (since I just tested) chamber is at 53
audiorazor2y ago
id say thats warm enough personally I use 40% fan for my asa I would try upping the fan a bit
rare-sapphireOP2y ago
And the fan did turn out to be the issue, once I got it high enough it all worked fine. Thanks!

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