Consistent 2mm Z banding. 3.1

I'm struggling to solve this Z banding. This test was with PLA @ .3mm height. Happens with or without infill or Arachne.
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7 Replies
afraid-scarletOP2y ago
I do see some wobble in my back lead screw... Man, I'd sell this printer in a heartbeat if I could get it through the door
afraid-scarletOP2y ago
Vase mode cylinder
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Vcore 3.0 or 3.1?
other-emerald2y ago
I had similar banding on a different CoreXY when the Z rails weren’t all parallel. In my case there was both a squealing noise and the un-captive lead screws would wobble at the top if I sent the bed from the top to the bottom Z height. To be more precise, one rail wasn’t parallel to its lead screw which caused binding and imperfect Z movements, but it wasn’t visually obvious when looking at the printer.
afraid-scarletOP17mo ago
3.1 How did you discover this?
other-emerald17mo ago
See the message above that about the noise. I zeroed Z and then moved to max Z and there was an apparent sound and wobble at the very top of the lead screw as the bed approached the bottom of the printer.
flat-fuchsia16mo ago
Hi @.condorman , can you please provide the stl for this print ?

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