ADC Out of Range error
I had posted on another thread, but felt like my issue was eventually going to derail that conversation and decided to post my own thread.
I just got my machine assembled and am starting the system for the first time and received the following error: ADC out of Range in the first pic.
After doing some searching I found the following suggestion in pic 2 and added to my printer.cfg file
It now produces the following error in pic 3.
Initially, I thought it must be my heater bed thermistor, but after re-reading the post where it was suggested, it looks like just a a different error.
One suggestion is that my cabling is wrong, but I have triple checked it and you can see it in pic 4. White cable on top is to the hot end thermistor and the bottom red one is the heated bed.

11 Replies
You need to change
to min_temp
You should also use a multimeter and check the thermistors for continuitycontinuing-cyanOP•2y ago
I changed it to min from max and the error went back to the previous message. What screen should show which thermistor is reading wrong?
Then lower the min value
Do like -200 instead of -120
continuing-cyanOP•2y ago
These are negative numbers right? Like 120 below 0. Correct?
I might be missing something in my explanation. The mcu is always in a shutdown state. I do see temp of the Pi at 49C
yes, your termistor is either unplugged or not working and so it thinks the temp is really cold. You are telling the software, it is ok to be this cold and don't throw an error and go into shutdown state
continuing-cyanOP•2y ago
I lowered it and the error still persists. I am going to do some more reading tonight to get a better understanding of how all this works. I appreciate your feedback and welcome other ideas on what it could be. I am sure its something simple. Just haven’t found it yet.
it could be that it is reading the opposite (super hot when in reality it is room temp). You can try setting max_temp to like 200
continuing-cyanOP•2y ago
I was able to find a different Thermistor in my parts bin and hooked it up in place of the bed. Everything launched at that time. I'll hook up my multimeter and try to diagnose further, but that is where the issue is. For right now, I am going to continue on with the initial configuration and see what else needs adjusting. Thanks for your help!
useful-bronze•2y ago
Hey guys, I am also freaking out with the same error after setting up the machine. What I know is, that the Thermistors are all fine and that the issue is the Hotend Thermistor connection.
When I plug the Hotend-Thermistor in the MCU as in the RatOS documentation everything works fine... but as soon as I put it in the EBB42 its not working anymore.
Hope somebody can help me with that issue
Separate issue, you need to include the toolboard includes near the bottom of the printer.cfg, but please start a separate thread if you need further assistance 🙂
useful-bronze•2y ago
Okay I will. Thank you