IDEX copy on a VCore 500 - "Move out of range - -59.901 366.165 0.464 [33212.731]"

Trying to do an IDEX copy on a VCore 500 and I get "Move out of range -59.901 366.165 0.464 [33212.731]" any suggestions on what to check? I can do a single print without a problem. I've tried different sizes and it passes the initial check but it will start printing and then I get the error.
14 Replies
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3mo ago
you need to make a endstop calibration as described in the comissionning guide
heedafOP3mo ago
What do you mean by "end stop calibration"? The only section I can find is to check that the end stops work. If you are referring to the z end stop then I did do that.
miklschmidt3mo ago
did you miss the entire IDEX comissioning guide? If so there's quite a few steps you need to go through:
miklschmidt3mo ago
(endstop calibration is under VAOC calibration)
heedafOP3mo ago
I did the VAOC calibration twice and didn't solve the problem. The suggestion didn't make sense since if my z calibration was off I wouldn't be able to print with the second head. My issue is only with duplex where I get the out of range error. Thought maybe their is another x/y endstop calibration I missed.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3mo ago
please share your file
heedafOP3mo ago
Will it need a recent failure in duplex mode to show up in the file? Haven't tried running it in awhile and I'm currently running a print.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3mo ago
no, just share the file
heedafOP3mo ago
Maybe a stupid question but how do I generate a debug file?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3mo ago
its in the configurator on th eleft side in the navigation drawer
heedafOP3mo ago
Well that is cool.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3mo ago
when you have time please make a short video where i can see hw the toolehads move whe the error happens
heedafOP3mo ago
Will do. Basically it start out fairly normal with both heads going and then the error pops up. I think I found my problem. I've been placing the model on the side thinking that I needed to allow for the other duplicate to make sure it would fit. Placed a part on the center of the bed and accidently figured out that it worked (I guess the duplex doesn't reset on an error).

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