Turn on Fan Port.

If I wanted to add another fan for the BTT octopus in RatOS/Klipper, how would I go about turning on that fan port? Is it just enable_pin: x in user overrides in printer.cfg? Google isn't helping me much
10 Replies
what kind of fan do you want? https://www.klipper3d.org/Config_Reference.html#fans * fan * heater_fan * controller_fan * temperature_fan * fan_generic example of adding a fan would
other fan types might have other parameters you must enter
umop3plsdn3dlusOP2y ago
Damn I looked through the klipper stuff too. Sry I must have missed that section. Just a straight 24v fan to blow across stepper heatsinks Oh I see how the alias's work Sry it never clicked until right now
Yeah so you want controller_fan
umop3plsdn3dlusOP2y ago
Got it. I got it moving now
there is one defined by default in ratos. If you want another one, just add it at the user overrides section with the second port (and with a different fan name)
[controller_fan my_controller_fan2]
pin: <YOUR PORT>
[controller_fan my_controller_fan2]
pin: <YOUR PORT>
umop3plsdn3dlusOP2y ago
Gentleman and a scholar. If I name it something different, does it show up in the dashboard to be controllable? Not that I care to, just asking for askings sake
no, it is a bit confusing. So if you look in the klipper documentation controller_fan is specifically only turns on when needed so you won't see it in the interface. Unlike say fan which you can control via the interface
Controller cooling fan (one may define any number of sections with a "controller_fan" prefix). A "controller fan" is a fan that will be enabled whenever its associated heater or its associated stepper driver is active. The fan will stop whenever an idle_timeout is reached to ensure no overheating will occur after deactivating a watched component. #stepper: Name of the config section defining the heater/stepper that this fan is associated with. If a comma separated list of heater/stepper names is provided here, then the fan will be enabled when any of the given heaters/steppers are enabled. The default heater is "extruder", the default stepper is all of them.
so looks like you might want to tweak that as well
umop3plsdn3dlusOP2y ago
Ah. So [fan Stepper] would show up as "Stepper" in the UI, but since controller_fan is dependent on heating elements, it's irrelevant
yup, heater elements or stepper drivers
umop3plsdn3dlusOP2y ago
Got it. Ty

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