Jumping on smooth circle
I wanted to print the propeller from this model (https://www.printables.com/model/227852-strong-flying-propeller-pull-copter-no-supports) and I noticed a weird behavior where it started to show ripple like on a smooth circle and the printer head moement is not smooth. It looks very much like belt teeth but not sure if the movement of the head is the cause and how to fix it.
I have tried to change the following so far and no success
- change anything that could slow down the movement of the print
- printed with arc fitting on and with arc fitting off
- changed orca slicer to prusa
- printed with Arachne and classic
- retensioned the belts with input shaping
- The model printed fine on my other printers bambu and prusa mini
not sure what else to try
Strong Flying Propeller / Pull Copter (No Supports) by Meister Edel...
Pull Copter for the kids :) Strong and easy to print. | Download free 3D printable STL models

11 Replies
like-gold•2y ago
Can u check if the bearings got an issue? Wether from the pulleys nore the motors itself. Maybe there is a torq problem during full load movin xy together. What kind of motors (model, brand, deg) u have and what current u are running?
And what is your IS result? Add the screen here too.
Hi Thanks for your reply.
I have the RatRig motor from the kit which should be 1.8dgree. I finished installing FFMM sometime ago and i see that the belt is centered on the full motion so nothing is rubbing. How can I see if i have torque problem? I'm using the performance settings since my drivers are cooled

These are my current IS. The X is a little off because of the wire loom but I use MZV anyway

Layer Hight for this print was 0.16
I created another model with similar thickness to the outter wall and it printer a perfect circle fine with no issue on the movement or slowdown. I was thinking it could be issue related to the model it self but it printed fine on my other printers!
I'm thinking it could something related to Arcs from my printer config
Enable arcs support
resolution: 0.1
but then it printer the a circle fine with no issue
like-gold•2y ago
There is something causing vibs on the toolhead that u can check. if a regular designed circle works fine on what resolution do u let your slicer work for the RR? Because different printers may need different resolutions like 0.0125 or so. U can also check for the internal resolutions and model rounding precision ( i have 0.0001mm there ). Your Layer with 0.16 should not be a issue at all, at least it depends on the type of nozzle u are using. But over all no issue at all. Did u let your slicer simplify the model u loaded in?
What Printer FW are u running? Klipper, RepRap, Marlin?
I ran the circle on the same configuration as the propeller without any changes but it printed fine. I use a default resolution of 0.0125.
I will try couple things like removing the arc config and print without it and see if there is a belt jumping somewhere eventhough i didn't see anything.
I'm running Ratos latest version which is based on klipper/marlin
OKay its fixed now and no longer slow down.
What I have changed are making the model higher details but i don't think this is what fixed it
I also checked "detect thin walls" which i believe is what fixed it since the wall thickness is 0.6 and the outter+inner wall both 0.4 so the printer was trying to compensate by lower flow and print speed !

like-gold•2y ago
Glad to see that not the mechanics had a problem. So i wish u a lot of fun printing 🤘