RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Yathani on 7/21/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Jumping on smooth circle
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24 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Yathani on 4/22/2023 in #ratos-support
Homing Z before X/Y gives error and require firmware restart
I don't remember this being the case with RatOS V1.0 but now whenever I try to home Z the printer gives me error that X/Y must be homed first but also it requires firmware restart
27 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Yathani on 3/31/2023 in #ratos-support
Octoeverywhere installation failed RatOS 2.0
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14 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Yathani on 2/24/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Linear rail and Lead Screw lubrication
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20 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Yathani on 2/3/2023 in #fix-my-mesh
Y Axis Bow, how to fix?
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7 replies