Homing Z before X/Y gives error and require firmware restart
I don't remember this being the case with RatOS V1.0 but now whenever I try to home Z the printer gives me error that X/Y must be homed first but also it requires firmware restart
16 Replies
That's all intended.
Can't home Z without X/Y being homed.
The emergency stop is to prevent inconsistent homing state, but i believe this might not be necessary anymore. Will run some tests.
But all is as it's supposed to be 🙂
Ah I see .. thanks for the clarification
deep-jade•2y ago
I feel like this is bad and personally hate this change. If I have to home x and y before moving z, I can potentially scrape the plate or collide with objects. The only solution is to manually twist the z leadscrews
Is there an override I can do to revert this?
What? This is not a change, it is simply not possible to move the Z manually before Z has been homed, it's always been like this. That you need to home X and Y before you can home Z has also always been the case. I don't know what you mean. Also there's an automatic Z hop that'll raise the nozzle by a configurable amount each time you home, it's default 15mm and 25mm with stowable probes, so i don't get your concern?
The only actual change between V1 and V2 is that you can now home axis individually if you want. So it's more flexible than it was before.
deep-jade•2y ago
you used to be able to hit z, and if x and y weren't homed it would drop it by like 10 or so
No it would always home x and y (if using physical endstops) and it would always drop it in z. The new homing routine in RatOS 2.0 also always drops it in z.
deep-jade•2y ago
Homing all does not z hop at all
If Z is already homed, then no then it'll just go to Z=z_hop
Which means no movement if it's already there
deep-jade•2y ago
nothing was homed in that video
If z isn't homed it will z hop
then you're not using a stock setup
post your printer.cfg
deep-jade•2y ago
this is not a RatOS 2.0 config file
This is a RatOS v1 config file
deep-jade•2y ago
do you have an unedited one by chance?
Thats why nothing is working as intended
There's always one in RatOS/templates/[printer]-printer.template.cfg
deep-jade•2y ago
thank you for the help. I now have the expected outcome and it was my fault so I apologize
No worries 👍