Linear rail and Lead Screw lubrication

I used to use the white grease to lubricate my linear rails and lead screws but the grease started to harden and the motion is not as smooth. Also I noticed that some spot on the linear rails started to rust so I took everything a part to clean and reapply lubrication. I would like to move to Superlube grease for the lead and linear rails bearing after I coat everything with the superlube oil. While most youtubers recommends using PTFE based oil/grease, Ratrig website advise to avoid additives such as PTFE, graphite, molybdenum disulfide, etc and stick with grease grade EP00 or EP000.
I would like to know if I can go with what I have and finish the build or I will have to wait couple more days to find the recommended grease by RR.
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16 Replies
other-emerald•3y ago
so when going through the same, the common consensus was to NOT use anything with additives like PTFE because it's like orange juice with pulp that'll cause the ball bearings to stick and glide over the rails instead of rolling i've taken to using just some generic grease, like you can get in a hardware store or tractor supply, so far, works like a charm and is cheap for an entire tube! just don't use something like WD-40 that isn't a lubricant, but a water repellent and preserver LUL
YathaniOP•3y ago
What about lubricating the rails to prevent corrosion, do you coat it with multi purpose oil with no additives as well ?
other-emerald•3y ago
i suppose you could, i wiped a thin film of the grease on mine, well put way to much on there and wiped the excess off there are many ways of doing it, if you used almost any kind of oil without bits in it, it'll probably be fine
YathaniOP•3y ago
Thank you .. time to hit the hardware store. I will see what they have there
ptegler•3y ago
the only thing I use
ptegler•3y ago
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ptegler•3y ago
hasn't hardened and doesn't seem to attack dust
other-emerald•3y ago
ooh i looked at that actually, how viscous is it? just like any other grease or?
ptegler•3y ago
a bit less dense than toothpaste, or slightly congealed hand lotion. sticks VERY well. I use it on my Z screws as well (i'm using spring loaded zero backlash lead screw nuts) I just smear a bit down t he screw and runf the bed down. ...let the nuts spread it out nicely It's light enough I can use it through small 20 gauge syringe needles.
other-emerald•3y ago
that's very neat
YathaniOP•3y ago
Oh I wish I saw this earlier. I have already ordered two different brands of grease to try them out
YathaniOP•3y ago
Mobile EP2
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YathaniOP•3y ago
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YathaniOP•3y ago
unfortunately during the cleaning of the linear carriages, many ball bearings were rusted so i had to order replacements 😦
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beejayf•3y ago
Is lead screw lubrication required or advised with the plastic nuts?
RgrWilco•3y ago
There is a discussion about it here somewhere. I use this in the carriage, applied by syringe, it smells but no rust so far. For the led screw I use some ptfe spray which I also use for my bike, it does not accumalate dust as much. But if it's really required?
EUROLUB 708900 Gearfit 00-000 EP 00-000 Schmierfett, 900 g
EUROLUB 708900 Gearfit 00-000 EP 00-000 Schmierfett, 900 g

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