Ratos 2.1 + Adaptive mesh + and Orcaslicer
I'm having issue with my printer start print sequence. I followed all the instruction from Ratos2.1 documentations but the adaptive meshing/priming is not working.
Also the printer started to wipe the nozzle on the front/left before beacon contact instead of front/middle as before. Then when the primeblob is finished, the printer head goes far left before it starts printing and sometimes i get our of range error.
I have attached a small clip to better illustrate my issue.
Below are my Orcalicer config
RatOS/site/docs/slicers.md at documentation_v2.1 · HelgeKeck/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS

3 Replies
Rule #2 - please upload your logs and printer.cfg
I tried Prusa Slicer where i have copied all of my settings from OrcaSlicer and the printer behaved normal. Even Adaptive mesh worked! So i think it's more of configuration issue on OrcaSlicer rather than Ratos issue