Reverse elephant foot

Hey everyone. I have an issue where the top layer is doing a reverse elephant foot. Does anyone have an idea or seen it before to know what might be causing it? Material is PLA from filament PM Printer is vcore 3.1 300
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5 Replies
Max9mo ago
Are you able to share what the model is supposed to look like? It looks like the walls are also tapered inward toward the top, but maybe that is just distortion in the photo. My first guess would be that the extrusion multiplier is too high, which would make the top solid layers bulge out, as there are no longer any gaps in the infill where the excess material could go. At the moment however, that is just a vague guess, if you could share a photo of the top of the print and your slicer project as a .3mf file I might be able to give a better recommendation.
WarbossGorkOP9mo ago
It's a normal letter in fusion 360. Extruded to 5mm so nothing special.
WarbossGorkOP9mo ago
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WarbossGorkOP9mo ago
Here's the top surface of one of the prints
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sherbs9mo ago
When I've seen this myself, the answer is that it's usually due to inadequate cooling

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