ratos_homing is not a valid config section

After an update to the newest beta klipper will not start anymore. When I deselect the entry ratos\homing.cfg klipper will start again but the homing is not correct. the z-axis crash into the head. Do I have to do a fresh install?
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13 Replies
You should always do a fresh install when moving from one beta to another
miklschmidt3y ago
Assuming he was on beta2 this should've been a straight update. @rolkun what version of the image did you install initially? ratos_homing is an extension i made this weekend, which should've been registered with the configurator when you updated and thus symlinked into klipper/klippy/extras. It seems like that didn't happen. Can you post the configurator log? Its in ~/printer_data/logs/ratos-configurator.log
stormy-goldOP3y ago
I'm not sure but I have initially installed Beta 1 or Beta 2, not an Alpha version. I'm currently in the office. I will check it this evening. Sorry, there is no ratos-config.log file in the logs folder. WinSCP could not find any ratos.log. Actual installed is ratos: v2.0.0-beta2-17-g9e2ad75 ratos-configurator: v2.0.0-beta2-2-gf273e22. The folder ..klipper/klippy/extras contains 111 entries and all have the same date 28 Jan 2023.
miklschmidt3y ago
I don’t think your configurator is running, that would explain why the update didn’t work. ssh in and run sudo systemctl status ratos-configurator
stormy-goldOP3y ago
You are right. the service exited with a failure.
stormy-goldOP3y ago
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miklschmidt3y ago
Please post ratos-configurator.log It's in ~/printer_data/logs/ Oh right you already confirmed it isn't there Do this instead:
cd ~/ratos-configurator
pnpm start
cd ~/ratos-configurator
pnpm start
And paste the results
stormy-goldOP3y ago
Result -bash: pnpm: command not found I have already made a reboot. The same result.
Sounds like you had beta 1 or older. Pnpm should have been installed in the latest beta if I remember correctly
stormy-goldOP3y ago
yes, I have installed beta 1, it's the last image in my download folder. Should I install beta 2? It is not possible to update from beta 1 to the last sw version? The problem comes up with the update from monday. It is not a problem for me to install the beta 2. I just want to help if there is an error in the software update routine.
I leave that to Mikel. But in general you can't upgrade from one beta to another.
stormy-goldOP3y ago
ok, thank you for the info. We can close this post.
miklschmidt3y ago
It's not, no. Beta 1 was severely broken will close it, let me know if Beta 2 doesn't work for you either 👍

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