Orbiter Smart Filament Sensor Action Button

I just installed orbiter filament sensor 2 and i used the configuration for Ratos 2.1 as provided on @Helge Keck github. Everything seems to be working fine except the action button. When pressed to unload filament, it just start flashing blue nothing happens and the hotend does not heat up. https://github.com/HelgeKeck/RatOS/blob/documentation_v2.1/site/docs/configuration/filament_sensors.md#action-button Thank you
RatOS/site/docs/configuration/filamentsensors.md at documentation...
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
Add this to your printer.cfg: #------------------------Filament Sensor-------------------------------------------------------------------- [filament_switch_sensor toolhead_filament_sensor_t0] pause_on_runout: True...
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3 Replies
dyocis6mo ago
Add this to your printer.cfg: #------------------------Filament Sensor-------------------------------------------------------------------- [filament_switch_sensor toolhead_filament_sensor_t0] pause_on_runout: True event_delay: 0.1 switch_pin: ^toolboard_t0:PA13 runout_gcode: _ON_TOOLHEAD_FILAMENT_SENSOR_RUNOUT TOOLHEAD=0 insert_gcode: _ON_TOOLHEAD_FILAMENT_SENSOR_INSERT TOOLHEAD=0 [gcode_button toolhead_filament_sensor_button_t0] pin: ^!toolboard_t0:PA14 release_gcode: {% if (printer.print_stats.state == "printing") %} _ON_TOOLHEAD_FILAMENT_SENSOR_CLOG TOOLHEAD=0 {% else %} _ON_FILAMENT_SENSOR_BUTTON_PRESSED TOOLHEAD=0 {% endif %} press_gcode:
dyocis6mo ago
You may need to add or remove the ! to the sensor button pin. I think I had to add it to mine
YathaniOP6mo ago
Thank you for your reply .. all the configurations was already there but linked instead of inserted in the printer.cfg. I add the mark "!" in front of the switch pin and it worked! I though its only needed to reverse the direction of the motor.. Many thanks 👍

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