RatOS eth0 issues.

Hello. I am having this issue where the raspberry pi does not want to communicate with my dhcp for a dynamic ip address. When setting it static address i can access the gateway which is on another ip than the dhcp, but i can still not reach the dhcp server nor can i reach my network. Had IT support trying to figure out the issue, but they can also not answer anything so far. The machines are in a facility along other printers at a corporation, used in the print farm. So the network infrastructure is huge and managed. All other raspberry pies with RaspOS, 3DPrinterOS is working as they are supposed to via ethernet, the only release of *nix that will not play ball is RatOS. Is there a way to revert back to "stock" RaspOS network logic? Wifi is out of the question. Running RatOS 2.1 image from github on a raspberry pi 3b+. Machine is two RatRig Vcore 3.1
2 Replies
eth0 wasn't changed by ratos, so that should work. Without more details of your network setup there is no way to help troubleshoot this
QwuilleOP12h ago
The RPi is directly connected to a managed switch. Got some feedback from the IT department, they are saying that RatOS is trying to get an IP, but drops it immediately when i gets one and then requests a new one, it does this until it has exhausted all the IP numbers. Also, how does one rename the Wifi Hotspot name? for instance "RatOS Printername" ?

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