ASA Top Layer woes

Video here: Top layer is absolute garbage. My problems start with the first solid infill layer, where you can see it is already bad. After that, it just piles on till it reaches the end and has a coarse surface. I have set the Extrusion Multiplier. The flow rate test has been run time and time again. Results always point to best results between 0.96 and 1.00. I have tried to change bridge flow to 0.8 and bridge density down to 75%. Still no go. Pressure Advance is also good. You can even hear the printer scratching the surface of the previous layers. Apologies for the quality. Tried to zoom in, but an iPhone is only as good as the camera cluster it has. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd like to hear them.
Nuno Marques
RatRig VCore3 500 Print Issues with ASA
Top layer is absolute garbage. My problems start with the first solid infill layer, where you can see it is already bad. After that, it just piles on till it reaches the end and has a coarse surface. I have set the Extrusion Multiplier. The flow rate test has been run time and time again. Results always point to best results between 0.96 and 1.0...
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10 Replies
foreign-sapphire2y ago
Have you tried drying the filament?
sherbs2y ago
A few questions? Temps & speeds? Do you get the same result with 100% infill? 50% infill? Solid infill line width? Top infill line width? Nozzle size? I'm not sure the issue but if I saw that on my print, I'd try increasing temp first
3DBoomer2y ago
IMHO, have you tried lowering flow rate and line density for bridges ? Looking at this layer @02:21
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NMGMarquesOP2y ago
I have, yes. The filament is always in my drybox. Powered on and working at the max 50º the entire day. Mind you this is Spectrum 275 ASA. The best I have found it'll print is at 240. Bed at 50 to 60. Speed is 200 for internal perimeters and the rest is set to 100 external perimeters and 150 infill, I believe. I tried multiple infill densities and also patterns just to be sure, and saw no appreciable differences. Top is set to 0.6mm. Anything above that I start to get some gaps. Anything below, I start to get signs of under extrusion of all things. Nozzle is BambuLabs 0.6mm. I have tried printing swatches from EM 1.0 all the way down to 0.78. Under that was no use as I started getting several spots where the filament was not filling in.
sherbs2y ago
When you say it prints best at 240, what criteria are you using to say that? I'm not familiar with that brand but I print asa at 255-265 with a 0.8 nozzle... I think you need more heat... I don't think EM is an issue... You might try a bit more infill but try increasing temp first
NMGMarquesOP2y ago
Spectrum ASA 275 was designed specifically to print more like a PLA. Hence the low temps. The recommended temp is actually 200-240. The criteria is basically the flow and overall finish. The walls are not skipping or gapping. No delamination. Everything looks great except the top.
NMGMarquesOP2y ago
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sherbs2y ago
I'd still try going hotter. Most of those specs are based on a 0.4 nozzle... Experiment, see what happens
NMGMarquesOP2y ago
Will do. Thanks.
3DBoomer2y ago
I'm not talking about EM, look at my SS settings

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