vminion board wont flash bigtreetech skr 2
hello there i need a serious help from somebody please about making my v minion working
i have some troubles with flashing the board and ratos
i tried to upgrade to ratos 2 and i meesed up
96 Replies
you are going to have to be more descriptive if we are to help you. What troubles, what messed up? What steps have you done? etc.
My printer was working with the previous version, i tried to upgrade to ratos 2 and i cant connect it now, i need to flash my board to the new firmware and i dont know how to do that. I watched some videos and i need to have the previous firmware on an sd am i right?
i tried to upgrade to ratos 2what does this mean? You need to explain in more detail your actions
I watched some videos and i need to have the previous firmware on an sd am i right?no, that isn't how ratos works
Ok lets take it from the beginning, what is the procedure to upgrade to ratos v2? Flash the board with new firnware using sd card and then flash raspberry with Ratos v2 using an sd card?
Have you looked at the guide on how to Flash RatOS?

I flash the pi everything is good and once am at this stage something is wrong

Also this, i downloaded the firmware for my board and niw is in an sd inserted in the board
And am stuck here
I press the check board status but nothing is happening
there is no upgrade from v1.x. You need to flash the ratos 2.x image to a SD card and use that in your pi. Then you need to follow the instructions from https://os.ratrig.com/docs/installation and what the configurator is telling you.
after downloading the firmware, did you power cycle your board so that it would install the firmware?
I flashed the ratos 2 image and its ok that stage, am struggling with the board flashing, i did what they say but how can i double check that the firmware is flashed to the board?
Btw thanks for helping me
So you did all 9 of those steps listed on the web page?
Yes and i have a question, my board is skr 2, i went through the wizard and i downloaded the drivers to an empty sd, after i insert the sd with the skr 2 drivers into the skr2 board, then what? How do i know that the board is flashed?
there are two different SKR 2 boards (https://os.ratrig.com/docs/boards/list#big-tree-tech) which one do you have?

https://youtu.be/czm5D3-DPyk?t=500 shows the steps on how to flash using a SD card
ignore him using prontoface for testing
short version:
* format your SD card correctly
* put the firmware.bin file on the SD card
* put that SD card into your SKR 2 board
* power it on and wait a few minutes
Thanks i will watch it now
ok i will unplug everything and do what he is saying
what is wrong here ?
am using the probe
not the bl touch
upload your entire printer.cfg please
you edited line 89 and it is wrong
you should uncomment line 90, and comment out line 92 and 89
what do you nean uncomment line 90?
to totally delete it ?
also what do you mean to comment out the linesc89 and 92 ?
sorry for my question but am a beginners with this
will treat the rest of the line as a comment (this file is a yaml programming language file)
so to comment something out means to put #
at the beginning of the line
to uncomment something means to take away #
at the beginning of the line
should become
Ok and what is the [ ?
I am guessing you added that as it is not in the template
i get this error now, is it because is not connected to the board ?
x y and z are not connected to the board yet, i will do it now
no the same issue
i checked the configuration template you just send me and its the same as my printer configurations about the stepper z
upload your new printer.cfg please
line 214 - needs to be uncommented
as well as 215
you need to comment out lines 218-220
now this
uncomment line 90, comment out line 92
another one error
214-216 need to comment out ?
here, use this
do you think the firmware on the board can cause this now ?
did the configurator say it was able to connect?
Not connected
then it didn't flash correctly. You can't proceed to the next step until you get it to flash correctly
I believe something didnt went well with the board flashing, i unplugged everything from the board except the power and cinnected the biard and my computer through usb, i insert the sd card with the firmware and switched it on, i wait for some time and then what? Thats it?
I dont have to tell to the board start flash the firmware?
correct, the bootloader on it should read the firmware.bin and know to flash itself
How do i know that the flash is done?
Or maybe is it any special way to put the board in bootloader mode?
Ok here it is, the skr 2 its not easy to flash new firmware, in order to bootloader it the btt needs to send you a file, there is a guy that ask ftom them to send him the file and they refused, there is another guy that asked for it and they send him the file
I contact them already and wait for their response
If they are not possitive then am order a new board
GitHub - bigtreetech/SKR-2
Contribute to bigtreetech/SKR-2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
i found this
BIQU Support
SKR 2 Motherboard File Download
SKR 2 Motherboard File
RAR or ZIP files, including
Firmware instructions
3D Model files of the product
Pinout of the hardware
Motherboard hole location
Dimension drawin...
from here
Do you think it has to do with this?
no, they are unrelated - but you need to fix that issue or you will have a ton of other problems
ok, how to fix them ?
How are you powering the pi?

i will check now through the diagram how many voltage those pins gives
there are 2 5v header pins, use both (and addition ground of which there are many)
better to get a dedicated 5v PSU for the pi then to use the header off the MCU board
so they shouldnt be like this ?
so instead to have it in the board the black and red i should have a seperate 5v psu and put it on right ?
ok i found one, tomorrow morning i will get it
so now the next warning
what if the rapberry used the voltage and the board didnt perform well to flash the firmware ?
i give power to my raspberry through a phone charger and is no longer getting power from the board
i tried to flash the board again but still it doesnt connect
what about all those updates ?
am updating moonracker now but it takes too long to finish, is it normal for the moonracker ?
the other update didnt took so long
its there for like half an hour
it quit on its own and now ratos.local doesnt work
typically after updating you need to restart the pi - which happens automatically
look at this
you know this has nothing to do with your flashing problem right?
but i want to be up to date
the next move its to order a board yea ?
i found a board here in my country from a shop but its not listed into ratrig page about the boards
its the btt skr 1.4
is that a problem ?
it means it isn't supported in Ratos currently (maybe never) and thus your setup is going to be a lot harder
Ok, which board is the best to order?
define "best" - there are always compromises
Well better than the bloody skr 2
Manta M4P is also pretty compact when paired with a CB1 or CM4 computer module
I want one that bootloader easy 🤣
they all flash in the same way, load on SD card, input into board, wait, check that it flashed
I believe something short on the board
Dont you think so?

Which one should i choose?
CB1 + manta m4p + 4 pcs TMC2209
is what I would choose
Ok so
I live in europe so i need to find it from europe

Are those correct?
The cb1 is equivalent of raspberry?
So we are not using raspberry?

Hi i decided to get this one as i cant find the manta setup in europe
Am getting the screen as well
Everuthing is here

I flashed firmware but something seems wrong in updates