RATOS SSID keeps appearing after some time
I had a bad wifi reception so I bought an external access point -> ALFA Network AWUS036ACHM.
In order to force the connection exclusively with the new interface, I added 'denyinterfaces wlan0' and now ratos only uses the new wlan1 interface.
All works great after a reboot but after sometime , usually 30min, I loose the connection with the printer and the defaut SSID 'ratos' appears.
Can somebody help me understand what is happening?
10 Replies
the default SSID 'ratos' appears due to it losing connection one way or another. It's the fallback that RatOs has built-in so it doesnt lock itself out should it lose internet. I would revisit your methods of getting wifi to it, although I'm not super familiar with what you've got setup so I can't point you in a better direction
Oh I see. Is there any way to disable it, though?
disable a fallback?
BTW, I just edited /etc/wpa-supplicant and /etc/dhcpcd.conf
yes, disable the fallback
If you did that, then you'd have to power-cycle the raspi instead of fixing the wifi and telling it to start again. Meaning physical access.
Now, if you think the fallback is causing the issue thats another matter.
I understand. But I would like to try nevertheless. I think the connection drops sometimes (I am still trying to understand why because the reception with the external adapter is fair) and then ratOS SSID blocks the reconnection of the wifi
The solution shoulb be pulling an ethernet cable but I wont be able to do it for the next 6 months.
Sorry for the poke @miklschmidt , but is there a way to extend the retries time limit?
Yeah don't do that. Use the configurator to set the WiFi
Well, the ratos SSID is set up by hostapd:
when I disabled it my connection to the external AP never dropped again
other solution that works is to blacklist the wifi kernel modules for the native chipset:
blacklist brcmfmac
blacklist brcmutil
Yes, i believe so through wpa supplicant.