Negative temp readings from Octopus V1.1 F446
So, I just bought a VC4 500 Idex, everything was fine, when i plugged in the eletronics fan, after some time, i noticed my Octopus V1.1 F446 was reading negative, and the controller was always active even tho it says 0%.
It's connected to PD12 with 24V jumper.

14 Replies
Drop your ratos.cfg and printer.cfg please.
Have you updated ratos? I'm wondering if this was a pin issue that has since been fixed. Ratos and printer configs seem fine, in ratos.cfg the sensor type also seems right:
leaning towards a faulty board for the temp issue at least
Update ratos, re-run through the configurator.
I have done that already.
RatOS is up-to-date and re-runned the configurator
nothing changed
Weird. The mcu temp is built into the board, tough to get that wrong :/
are you 159% sure you have a F446?
Yup. VC4 500 Idex
It was working normally until I plugged the electronics box fan
I already contacted ratrig trough the contact form.
2 options:
faulty board or fried
I agree that's your best choice at this moment
Thanks for your help buddy! Appreciate it
Sorry it wasn't more immediately successful. Learned about the
sensor_type too 😄
New board fixed it.
The other one was fried