MPU 6050 input shaper

Hi guys, I can't seem to get the MPU 6050 running, I enabled I2C on the pi and adjusted the baud rate. Also added this in my user overrides and uncommented input shaper at the top of the printer.cfg: [mcu rpi] serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu [mpu9250] i2c_mcu: rpi i2c_bus: i2c.1 [resonance_tester] accel_chip: mpu9250 probe_points: 100, 100, 20 # an example When I run the accelerometer_query command I get the following; Invalid adxl345 id (got ff vs e5). Edit: It works, the query command seems to only work with adxl but I can create belt tension graphs and the standard resonance graphs
4 Replies
AsicResistorOP2y ago
Am I at the good enough point?
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AsicResistorOP2y ago
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AsicResistorOP2y ago
On Y axis it recommends ZV for accel value of 7000, I'm on a vcore 400. I've read that MZV is the better one but it limits me to 5400 accel value?
audiorazor2y ago
@asicresistor did you ever get a response on this?

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