Ethernet not working

So here’s a weird one. I have my computers all hard wired directly to the network switch that comes directly off the fiber ent. The rat rig is also connected to this same switch. The wifi router is connected on that same switch but the computers and the rat rig are not on that router, they are directly connected to the fiber….. so if I plug everything into the router it all works but its capped by the router which is 1 total gbps for everything on the network. That’s why I wore the computers before the router so the only cap is the fiber max speed.
The problem is my rat rig won’t connect over Ethernet, it’s only connecting using the WiFi that was originally used to setup everything. Is there some sort of setting I can enable that will force the rat rig to use Ethernet instead of WiFi???
1 Reply
Is your switch setup to do DHCP? When I plug my pi into my router it connects just fine and is given an IP address

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