wavy, artifact and layer shift
Hello, since I don't have as much experience with setting up the firmware of the 3D printer I figured I should ask for help.
I am using a VCore 3 500 with the old standard configuration at release including a V6 Hotend, Duet 3 Mini 5+ and Bondtech BMG.
My biggest problem are the waves in the print. They especially happen after corners and get better the longer it goes in a straight line. It also seems to overshoot the corners as seen in the logo.
On the inside there are some artifacts going upwards as well as seen in the pictures.
I assume the layer shift might be because of too much resistance or too much acceleration even though I felt like the printer should be capable of more than I have it set to right now.
Before the print I tightened up the belts some more to test out how it behaves since I had those overshoot issues in the corners before and thought that would make it better, so maybe that was too much?
I am grateful for any suggestions what could cause these problems so I know in which direction I should look.
Edit: Here are the settings from the config for speed and acceleration. The print in the pictures was done at roughly had of the speed.
M566 X900.00 Y900.00 Z6.00 E3600.00 ; set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)
M203 X9600.00 Y9600.00 Z600.00 E3600.00 ; set maximum speeds (mm/min)
M201 X1500.00 Y1500.00 Z200.00 E3600.00 ; set accelerations (mm/s^2)
8 Replies
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
Doing another test run with after disassembling the EVA and adjusting the belts again. Seems like I did something wrong when tensioning the belts, so let's see if and how much it improves.
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
Okay I did a small print and have this wavyness left now. The skipping was probably the belt tension. So I redid the belts and tuned them to ~60Hz when the carrier is all the way back in the middle
optimistic-gold•2y ago
are the belts rubbing ? do you have an accelerometer fitted?
Corners look pretty bulgy. And the wavyness doesn't look like vibration, looks like extruder effects on that picture.
First pictures look more like belt and vibration artifacts.
What you can do is run the same print with much lower accel. If the parts look similar, you can eliminate that variable.
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
Sadly I don't have an accelerometer. I will consider upgrading that once I redo the cables!
I think the belts are not rubbing, at least I don't notice anything and there is no rubber scraped off anywhere
optimistic-gold•2y ago
You should leave it like that until you get the adxl, after that you can fine tune it
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
What would be extruder effects in this case?
I am doing another print much slower now since I need that part for a project. I will send pictures once it's done!
I can try lower acc values with otherwise same settings as the last picture again during next week to see how that affects it!
Okay, thanks for the suggestion! I will do some tests, but if it doesn't improve much apart from lowering the speed a lot, I will definitely wait until I can do the upgrade
Accelerometer will help you find out what is happening