Just switched my V-Core 3 to hybrid mode.
I am using the V-Core 4 (300) Rat OS configuration.
I am now getting stepper driver warnings that I didn't get when I was in non hybrid mode. I'm a bit surprised.
I am getting the warnings on all Z motors the X motors and the Y motors.
I am wondering what might be causing the stepper drivers to be running hotter now?
2 Replies
Check that your electronics enclosure fan is running and unobstructed
The run currents seem to have all increased from 1.1 to 1.6
Yep electronics fan is running.
When I compare my previous non hybrid RatOS.cfg with the new RatOS.cfg I see that the run currents for X,Y and Z motors have all increased from 1.1 to 1.6 which is curious as I had thought I was running in performance mode previously?
Extruder stepper run current is hasn't changed rom 0.707 (Orbiter 2.0)
Clearly I wasn't running performance mode before and clearly I need to upgrade my stepper driver cooling to run in performance mode!