Timelapse failing
When attempting to create a timelapse, Moonraker seems to be taking the pictures, but then fails when creating the render. Attached, the log files. Can someone please help me figure out the issue?
5 Replies
2023-05-23 13:57:07,311 [timelapse.py:render()] - start FFMPEG: /usr/bin/ffmpeg -r 30 -i '/tmp/timelapse/frame%6d.jpg' -threads 2 -g 5 -crf 23 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -an '/tmp/timelapse/timelapse_Calibration cube_0.2mm_ABS_37m.gcode_20230523_1357.mp4' -yI don't think you can specify multiple jpg files like that as input probably want to read through https://stackoverflow.com/a/37478183
I'm not.
I just enabled the timelapse feature and added the render trigger to the end gcode.
You don't need to add anything to the end g-code as far as i remember. There is a settings-tab in RatOS for timelapse where you can activate the auto-render after the print finished
New log, same error. This time I removed the triggers from the end G-Code and there is nothing else left in there.
Can you post your layer change gcode and moonraker.conf