pullup_resistor :ERROR

I have installed the lRatOS 2.1 updayed today, I'm getting the error "Option 'pullup_resistor' is not valid in section 'extruder'"" because I have the EBB42 wired using the MAxX sensor (workubg fine in Rat OS 2.0) because in the ratOs ,cfg has the value set to 2200. I have put my settings in overide [extruder] #: toolboard_t0:PB13 # Remove ! in front of pin name to reverse the direction of extruder sensor_type: MAX31865 sensor_pin: toolboard_t0:PA4 spi_bus: spi1 rotation_distance: 4.63 # Orbiter 2 default #pressure_advance: 0.05 # Check https://www.klipper3d.org/Pressure_Advance.html for pressure advance tuning. control: pid pid_kp: 28.413 pid_ki: 1.334 pid_kd: 151.300 to see if it would work I did edit the ratos,cfg with #pullup_resistor: 2200 #sensor_pin: toolboard_t0:PA3 and it woks but then ratos gets oissed because I change the cfg, how can i set in overide pull_resister so it will owrk.
Update on the way to the configurator that stops pullup_resistor: 4700 from being emitted.
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34 Replies
blacksmithforlifeā€¢2mo ago
you should only edit printer.cfg
Synapsisā€¢2mo ago
I know that it was to see if it still worked which it doe's. So how do I override that value, looking on internet but still have not found anything.
blacksmithforlifeā€¢2mo ago
https://os.ratrig.com/docs/configuration/includes-and-overrides the last value wins, write the changes in your printer.cfg
Synapsisā€¢2mo ago
That is what did, my problem is the value that I have to use in pullup_ resistor: i tried different values but still have the error. I am looking for a list of values. In you like it talks about how to change a value but i did aee anything on not considering a value.
blacksmithforlifeā€¢2mo ago
You can't remove a value. If that is what you want to do, you need to have the configurator generate it without that value. Are you sure you selected the correct value in the configurator and wired it according to the wiring diagram?
Synapsisā€¢2mo ago
Well that could be the problem, I'll try to redo the configurator and see. Thanks Just not to waste time is there one that will not create the pullup-resistor , i tried a few but it always there in the config. ok just went with the default setup.
miklschmidtā€¢2mo ago
Every thermistor that is not the PT1000
Synapsisā€¢2mo ago
I did try others but in the RatOS configure but the pullup was still there. Must have done something wrong. cause I did see it wasn't changing my printer.cfg. Any way I used the default and its working.
miklschmidtā€¢2mo ago
I did try others but in the RatOS configure but the pullup was still there.
Then you didn't save.
cause I did see it wasn't changing my printer.cfg.
It's not supposed to. all important settings reside in RatOS.cfg
Synapsisā€¢2mo ago
i did save becuase in Ratos .cfg i saw it changed the type of sensor. So when I used Generic one it was changed in RatOS but the pullup was still there.
miklschmidtā€¢2mo ago
Aah i see the problem, it's echoing the default 4700 I thought you were talking about the alternative pull_resistor value but indeed any pullup_resistor will break when using MAX31865 just a second
Synapsisā€¢2mo ago
ok I do have another question . I have a 400 "almost original" so with the setup I was using I left everything at default beause my probe point are inside the bed. I just mounted the Bracon RevH so waht happens is when it does the tilt at the back of the printer it goes outside of the bed. Should i use z tilti positions are is it better to use offsets. Like I have to use 414 as why so I can get all the way to the front.
miklschmidtā€¢2mo ago
Update on the way to the configurator that stops pullup_resistor: 4700 from being emitted.
miklschmidtā€¢2mo ago
Yeah this is normal, and should be mentioned on the beacon toolhead mod page where you downloaded the .stl VC3 assumes you're using EVA3 and superpinda
Synapsisā€¢2mo ago
Thanks so much, your the man.
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