How do I add a fan? Octopus pro
I'm not sure how to add a fan aside from the three preconfigurated ones. I put in
pin: PD14
max_power: 1.0
but that just turns the part cooling fan on
15 Replies
the two headers are pd14 and pd13, and both are using 12v noctua fans
ive tested the fans by plugging them into the other ports to confirm they work
for what do you want to use the fan for?
just to cycle air through the electronics compartment
two big 200mm fans
and two small 40mm for the motors
ohh i should have used the generic one?
ok, so no controller fan or part fan, then use the link i shared, that will do it
so will it always be on?
so would this be all I need?
[fan_generic extruder_partfan]
pin: PD14
ok cool
do you know why the part cooling fan turned on when I had the previous code?
do you want to add a part fan?
controlled by the slicer
or do you want to ctronol it manually?
it just needs to be always on
but my previous config ran the part fan at full blast for some reason even though the pin wasn't set to that
probably because the name was just set to [fan]
you just changed the already existing fan
i just need to add "_generic fan1" after
ok it works now, and the fans can be controlled through a slider, but how should I make them on by default?
when do you want to turn it on? when you turn the printer on, so 24/7?
[delayed_gcode _FAN_AUTOSTART]
initial_duration: 0.1
this will start the fan when you start klipperok thanks!