~21mm wobble/error in print?
Where to start/look?
starting at about 7.68mm height, repeating every ~21mm regardless of layer height (this is .3 and .2)
6 Replies
I would be curious to know if it the printer or the model. Does this happen to all printed objects that these distances? What happens if you scale this model up 20%; does the error stay at the same height or stay in the same location on the model?
Thanks, I'll check
All gone @120%
I'm thinking maybe one or more bearings of the belt path(s) is off, and therefor creates surface wobbles and sometimes even worse, as well
Update: as I was replacing the bearing stacks for 2rs bearings and 'shoulderbolts' I noticed the 3 titanium screws of my rapido 2 uhf were loose ! They seemed gooped on top (screwhead to surface) apparently not.... So well, yes, that could explain a lot.