cant upload my wifi credentials via the ratos hotspot..
is there any other way to do this? SSHing into the pi did not work as well. im trying to run the printer in a ethernetless spot
20 Replies
what error are you getting?
basically the normal configureation proceedure (at ratos.local/configure) takes place like normal
but then i cannot connect though my wifi network afterwards, only through it's own hotspot
Does your wifi name have spaces or other weird characters in it?
no it is very standard
straight out of the box actually
just installed an extender
(i tested it with both the extender and main router)
You are using a raspberry pi, correct?
You can check in
to make sure it is writing the SSID and Password correctlyyes i use a pi
i tried that through SSH but then i got this error

what command did you run?
i thought this was to be expected, or had to do with ratOS's hotspot/own configuration or somehitng
ssh [email protected]
sudo raspi-config
you shouldn't be using rasp-config. Just directly read the wpa_suplicant file
and something with /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf but i cant find it anymore
yeah but it wouldnt let me communicate with it
sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
vim /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
that will let you directly read the file. I have no idea what it means that it can't communicate with it
nano works tooyeah then i get to a menu
fist option is like general stuf>edit wpa or somthing> "could not communicate with wpa_supplicant
then something is wrong with you SD card. I would recommend getting a good new one and reflashing ratos
vim /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
could this work differently? then ill get the printer upstairs again right away
no, if nano can't open it then don't bother with vim
they are both just text editors
oke that is too bad.. 😦 but i think i can manage. i flashed a voron and this should be easier
i dont know all components though, but i backed up the original config
btw; i have a old prusa bear running marlin or something. do you think flashing ratOS to that is hard? i like rat os better than standard klipper
i want to update the bear to be morelike hte minion. im looking into modding the EVA on it right now
(sorry to be off topic :p)
no idea - I have never flashed a prusa before
btw; cant i just.. edit the SD card itself?
it seems weird to me that everything works execpt updating the wifi credentials
you can try, but I suspect your SD card is starting to fail. Better to replace with a new one before it fails completely